2 Twelve Olympians 十二主神
31 Zeus and Hera 宙斯与赫拉
37 Europa and the White Bull 欧罗巴和白色公牛
40 Cadmus 卡德摩斯
43 Zeus’ Love Europa 宙斯的爱人欧罗巴
46 Arion, Master of the Lyre 七弦竖琴大师阿里翁
48 Atlas and Prometheus 阿特拉斯和普罗米修斯
52 Daedalus’ Athenian Craftsman 能工巧匠雅典的代达罗斯
56 Midas’ Ears 国王迈达斯的驴耳朵
60 Minos and the Labyrinth 弥诺斯和迷宫
63 Narcissus, Narcissist 自恋者那喀索斯
67 Oedipus Killed His Father and Married His Mother 俄狄浦斯弑父娶母
73 Pan, God of Flocks and Shepherds 牧神潘
75 The Birth of Heracles 赫拉克勒斯诞生
80 The Apotheosis of Heracles 封赫拉克勒斯为神
85 The Children of Heracles 赫拉克勒斯的孩子们
90 The Fates 命运三女神
91 The Loves of Minos 弥诺斯的浪漫情史
95 The Seizure of the Fleece 夺取金羊毛
100 The Divorce Between Jason and Medea 伊阿宋与美狄亚离婚
102 The Story of Io 伊俄的故事
108 The Death of Achilles 阿喀琉斯之死
113 Mad Heracles 发疯的赫拉克勒斯
116 The Wooden Horse 木马计
122 The Seven Against Thebes 七将攻底比斯
128 Aphrodite, Goddess of Desire 情欲女神阿佛洛狄忒
134 The Birth of Theseus 忒修斯诞生
138 The Death of Theseus 忒修斯之死
142 The Story of the Oracles of Troy 特洛伊神谕的故事
147 Trojan War: Paris and Helen 特洛伊战争:帕里斯和海伦
158 Tricky Sisyphus and the Stone 阴险狡诈的西绪福斯和石头
162 Fire Was Given to Men 人类开始用火的经过
166 Prometheus Was Punished and Rescued 普罗米修斯的受罚与获救
169 Pandora and Her Box 潘多拉和她的盒子
174 Apollo Chasing Daphne and Laurel 阿波罗对达佛涅的追求和月桂树
178 Coronis and Crow 可罗妮斯和乌鸦
182 Leto’s Escape and Dolphin 勒托的逃亡和达尔芬
186 The Creation 创世纪
193 The War of the Aesir and Vanir 阿萨神族与华纳神族的战争
196 The Building of Asgard’s Wall 阿斯加德墙的建造
206 Yggdrasill 生命之树
209 Loki’s Children and the Biding of Fenrir 洛基的孩子们和芬里尔被缚
216 The Theft of Idun’s Apples 伊登的苹果被盗
228 Marriage of Njord and Skadi 尼约德和丝卡蒂的婚姻
234 Sif’s Shining Gold Hair 希芙的金发
245 The Golden Necklace of Freyja 弗蕾亚的项链
254 The Binding of Loki 洛基被缚
260 Ragnarok 诸神的黄昏
266 Odin and Billing’s Daughter 奥丁和比林的女儿
269 Thor and Geirrod 索尔和盖尔罗德
279 Thor’s Journey to Utgard 索尔的乌特加德之旅
303 The Mead of Poetry 诗歌之酒
316 The Creation of the World 神创造世界
319 Noah’s Ark 诺亚方舟
328 Adam and Eve 亚当和夏娃
334 Tower of Babel 巴别塔
337 The Birth of Moses 摩西的诞生
341 The Ten Commandments 摩西十戒
345 The Birth of Jesus Christ 耶稣基督的诞生
350 Ruth and Boaz 路得和波阿斯
358 Samson Agonisters 力士参孙
365 Shepherd David Killed Goliath 牧童克敌
370 David Become a Fugitive 大卫逃亡