定 价:25.9 元
- 作者:楼光庆,马荣华,曾添桂 编
- 出版时间:2009/5/1
- ISBN:9787560082462
- 出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社
- 中图法分类:H31
- 页码:189
- 纸张:
- 版次:2
- 开本:16开
《现代英语教程3(第2版)(附CD-ROM光盘1张)》是一套专门为中国成人高等教育学生编写的英语教材。教材的编写遵照“综合法”(Method Synergistics)的教学理论,采用博采众长、兼收并蓄的原则,强调基本功的训练,要求学生精练、勤练、苦练,顺利通过英语学习的入门关,帮助非英语专业成人本科学生通过申请学士学位所必需的英语统一考试。
《现代英语教程》是一套专门为中国成人高等教育学生编写的英语教材。教材的编写遵照“综合法”(Method Synergistics)的教学理论,采用博采众长、兼收并蓄的原则,强调基本功的训练,要求学生精练、勤练、苦练,顺利通过英语学习的入门关,帮助非英语专业成人本科学生通过申请学士学位所必需的英语统一考试。
Unit 1 The Wooden Bowl
Text: The Wooden Bowl
Grammar: Past Progressive Tense
Writing: Topic Sentence of a Paragraph
Reading: The Builder
Listening: Asking for Repetition
Speaking: Conversation Openings and Closings
Unit 2 Emails
Text: Emails
Grammar: Past Perfect Tense
Writing: Paragraph Developer, Transitional Sentence and Conclusion
Reading: Cell Phones
Listening: Asking for Repetition
Speaking: Introductions and Address Systems
Unit 3 Parents: Internet Is a Double-Edged Sword
Text: Parents: Internet Is a Double-Edged Sword
Grammar: Passive Voice
Writing: Paragraph Unity
Reading: Computers Will Change Our Lives More
Listening: Agreement and Disagreement
Speaking: Getting Peoples Attention and Interrupting
Unit 4 Acid Rain
Text: Acid Rain
Grammar: Subjunctive Mood
Writing: Paragraph Coherence
Reading: Effects of and Solutions to Acid Rain
Listening: Agreement and Disagreement
Speaking: Thanking People and Replying to Thanks
Unit 5 Fast Food Nation——Obesity as an Epidemic
Text: Fast Food Nation——Obesity as an Epidemic
Grammar: Non-Finite Verb Forms
Writing: Paragraph Coherence
Reading: The Bitter Truth About Fast Food
Listening: Giving and Asking for Information
Speaking: Getting Around Beijing
Unit 6 Its a Wonderful Life
Text: Its a Wonderful Life
Grammar: Non-Finite Verb Forms
Writing: List and Example Paragraphs
Reading: A New Way to Look at Resolutions
Listening: Enquiries and Opinions
Speaking: Road Signs and Traffic Control
Unit 7 The Story of the First Barometer
Text: The Story of the First Barometer
Grammar: Objective Clause
Writing: Chronological, Spatial and Process Paragraphs
Reading: Solar Water Heater
Listening: Definitions and Explanations
Speaking: Buying Discount/Cheap Air Tickets
Unit 8 Mothers Day
Text: Mothers Day
Grammar: Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
Writing: Classification and Definition
Reading: The History of Earth Day
Listening: Suggestions and Persuasion
Speaking: Youth Hostels
Unit 9 Nudie—— The Australian Juice
Text: Nudie——The Australian Juice
Grammar: \"it\" Structures
Writing: Comparison and Contrast
Reading: Dos and Donts in Choosing a Business
Listening: Concern and Comfort
Speaking: Making Dumplings
Unit 10 The Olympic Games
Text: The Olympic Games
Grammar: Inverted Word Order
Writing: Cause and Effect
Reading: An Olympic Winner Turns His Victory into Childs Play
Listening: Complaints, Apologies and Disagreements
Speaking: Expressing Anger and Resolving Conflict