Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) utilizes dedicated theory and technologies to predict, assess and prevent potential electromagnetic interference problems.
After giving a brief overview of EMC and the related topics, this book explains basic EMC knowledge, including the properties of potential noise sources, distributed parameters, and modeling methods. Some prerequisites of EMC study, including the electromagnetic theory and signal analysis are also illustrated in a practical viewpoint. Then it discusses the coupling mechanisms, and introduces the electromagnetic interference (EMI) mitigation techniques, what left are application-oriented EMC testing and design topics. To better explain mysterious EMC phenomenon, this book was written with practical cases, and with a hierarchical methodology.
It combines experiences and results from years of research by the authors and best practices of international colleagues, makes it an ideal textbook for graduate students, as well as a beneficial reference for researchers and engineers in the area of electronics, electrical engineering, etc.
·中国工程院院士、国内电磁兼容专 家苏东林教授团队著述;
北京航空航天大学教授、博士生导师、电磁兼容与电磁环境系主任,某创新团队负责人,曾获全 国优 秀博士学位论文评选提名,并被授予“青年长江学 者”称号。2009年博士毕业于上海交通大学(师从IEEE Fellow金荣洪教授),同年加入北航任教。曾任美国加州大学洛杉矶分校访问学 者和德国汉堡工业大学客座教授。现担任中国电子学会电磁兼容分会委员、URSI-B中国分会委员。
北京航空航天大学教授、博士生导师,中国工程院院士。享受国务院政府特殊津贴,获五一劳动奖章、创新争先奖及“全 国巾帼建功标兵”“北京市优 秀共产党员”称号。中国电子学会天线分会副主任委员、电磁环境效应专 家委员会主任委员,以及IEEE-AP北京分会主席、URSI-B中国分会主席等。长期致力于电磁兼容基础理论研究、关键技术攻关、重大装备研制,做了系统性、创新性工作。曾获国家技术发明奖一等奖1项、国家科技进步奖二等奖2项。
Chapter 1 Introduction to EMC 1
1.1 What is EMC 1
1.1.1 The Four Aspects of EMC problems 2
1.1.2 EMC-related Issues and Accidents 2
1.2 Basic Interference Sources 4
1.3 Basic Coupling Mechanisms 5
1.4 Basic Sensitive Equipment 7
1.4.1 Typical Sensitive Equipment 7
1.4.2 Susceptibility of Sensitive Equipment 9
1.5 Overview of EMI Control Techniques 11
1.6 EMC Foundations 15
1.7 References 16
1.8 Quiz 17
Chapter 2 Classification of Noise Sources 18
2.1 General Classification of Noise Sources 18
2.2 The Fourier Transform 19
2.3 Fourier Spectrum of Base Band Signals 22
2.3.1 Single Trapezoid 22
2.3.2 Pulse Trains 23
2.3.3 Double Exponential Pulses 24
2.4 Fourier Spectrum of Modulated Signals 26
2.4.1 Analog Modulation 27
2.4.2 Digital Modulation 28
2.5 References 31
2.6 Quiz 31
Chapter 3 Distributed Parameters 34
3.1 Review of Electromagnetic Theory 34
3.2 Review of Resistance Concepts 38
3.2.1 Basic Definitions 38
3.2.2 Self and Mutual Conductance 41
3.2.3 Grounding Resistance 43
3.2.4 Alternating Current Distributions 44
3.3 Review of Inductance Concepts 45
3.3.1 Basic Definition of Inductance 45
3.3.2 Calculation of Inductances 47
3.3.3 High Frequency Behaviors 50
3.4 Review of Capacitance Concepts 52
3.4.1 Basic Definition of Capacitance 52
3.4.2 Calculation of Capacitance 53
3.4.3 Grounded Floating and Shielded Conductors 55
3.4.4 High Frequency Behaviors 56
3.5 References 57
3.6 Quiz 58
Chapter 4 Modeling for EMC 59
4.1 Models and Modeling 59
4.1.1 Role of Models in EMC 59
4.1.2 Modeling Methods for EMC 60
4.2 Modeling of Nonlinearity 65
4.2.1 Power Series 65
4.2.2 Volterra Series 66
4.3 References 68
4.4 Quiz 69
Chapter 5 Field-field Coupling 70
5.1 Principle of Radiative Coupling 70
5.2 Near and Far Field Zones 72
5.3 Elementary Radiators 73
5.3.1 Dipole Antenna ( Electric Current Based Radiator) 73
5.3.2 Loop Antenna ( Magnetic Current Based Radiator) 74
5.3.3 Aperture Antenna ( Huygens Source) 74
5.4 Important Antenna Parameters 75
5.5 Isolation between Antennas 81
5.5.1 Friis Transmission Equation 81
5.5.2 Modified Friis Transmission Equation 82
5.5.3 Isolation on Platform 82
5.6 References 85
5.7 Quiz 86
Chapter 6 Wire-wire Coupling 87
6.1 Galvanic Coupling 87
6.1.1 Principle of Galvanic Coupling 87
6.1.2 Two-port Galvanic Coupling Network 89
6.2 Inductive Coupling 92
6.2.1 Principle of Inductive Coupling 92
6.2.2 Two-port Inductive Coupling Network 92
6.2.3 Calculation of Mutual Inductance 94
6.3 Capacitive Coupling 95
6.4 Generalized Weak Coupling 98
6.5 References 98
6.6 Quiz 98
Chapter 7 Transmission Line Coupling 99
7.1 Review of Transmission Line Theory 99
7.1.1 Telegraphers Equations 99
7.1.2 Reflections on Transmission Lines 103
7.2 Transmission Line Coupling 104
7.2.1 Coupling between Transmission Lines 104
7.2.2 Effects of Mutual Coupling 107
7.3 Multi-conductor Transmission Lines 108
7.3.1 Generalized Telegraphers Equations 108
7.3.2 Special Solutions of MTL Formulation: Degenerated Modes 111
7.3.3 General Solutions of MTL Formulation: Normal Modes 116
7.4 References 119
7.5 Quiz 120
7.6 Source Code 121
Chapter 8 Field-wire Coupling 123
8.1 Multi-conductor Transmission Line Equation 124
8.1.1 The Equation Associated with Distributed Source 124
8.1.2 Description of the Distributed Sources 126
8.2 Analysis of Cables 130
8.2.1 Twisted Line 130
8.2.2 Shielded Line 135
8.3 Penetration Field 138
8.4 References 140
8.5 Quiz 141
8.6 Source Code 141
Chapter 9 Signal Balancing 144
9.1 Differential Mode and Common Mode 144
9.1.1 Coaxial line 144
9.1.2 Coupled Microstrip Line 145
9.1.3 Parallel Line 145
9.2 Signal Balancing Methods 147
9.2.1 Overview 147
9.2.2 CM Suppressing Transformers 150
9.3 References 152
9.4 Quiz 152
Chapter 10 Grounding and Decoupling 153
10.1 Elements of Proper Grounding 153
10.1.1 Concept 153
10.1.2 Classification 155
10.1.3 Minimum Impedance Path 156
10.2 Grounding Methods 160
10.2.1 Single Point and Multipoint Grounding 160
10.2.2 Cable Grounding 163
10.2.3 Grounding for EMI Reduction 164
10.3 Decoupling 170
10.3.1 Concept of Decoupling 170
10.3.2 Hierarchical Decoupling 173
10.4 References 173
10.5 Quiz 173
Chapter 11 Electromagnetic Shielding 175
11.1 Concepts of Electromagnetic Shielding 175
11.1.1 Overview of Electromagnetic Shielding 175
11.1.2 Classification of Electromagnetic Shielding 176
11.1.3 Hierarchy of Electromagnetic Shielding 178
11.2 Planar Plate 179
11.2.1 High Frequency Shielding 179
11.2.2 Low Frequency Shielding 181
11.2.3 Low and High Frequency Shielding 184
11.3 Planar Plate with Holes 184
11.3.1 Small Holes 184
11.3.2 Cut-off Waveguide 186
11.4 Enclosures for Equipment 187
11.4.1 Rectangular Enclosures 187
11.4.2 Resonance of the Enclosures 190
11.5 Aircraft Fuselage and Car Chassis 191
11.5.1 Over Mode Cavity Theory 192
11.5.2 Extended Theory for Composite Materials 196
11.6 References 197
11.7 Quiz 197
11.8 Source Code 199
Chapter 12 Filters and Surge Protectors 201
12.1 The Classification of Filters 201
12.2 Passive EMI Filters 205
12.2.1 Second Order Low Pass Filters 205
12.2.2 Third Order Low Pass Filters 205
12.3 Active Filter Circuits 206
12.3.1 Operating Principles 206
12.3.2 Insertion Loss 211
12.4 Surge Protector 214
12.4.1 Overview 214
12.4.2 Design Considerations 216
12.5 References 219
12.6 Quiz 219
Chapter 13 Electromagnetic Absorbers 221
13.1 Introduction 221
13.2 Planar Absorbing Materials 221
13.2.1 Analysis Method 221
13.2.2 Two Planar Absorbers 223
13.3 Applications of Electromagnetic Absorbers 224
13.3.1 Reduce the Q Factors of Metallic Cavity 224
13.3.2 Improve the Shielding Effectiveness of Metallic Chassis 226
13.4 References 228
13.5 Quiz 228
Chapter 14 Testing for EMC 229
14.1 The Four Items of EMC Testing 229
14.2 EMC Testing Standards 233
14.2.1 Classification of Standards 233
14.2.2 Selected Standards 234
14.3 RE and RS Testing 237
14.3.1 Introduction 237
14.3.2 RE and RS Related Antenna Parameters 239
14.3.3 Wave Propagation in Testing Facilities 242
14.3.4 Reception of Weak Signals 247
14.4 CE and CS Testing 249
14.4.1 Introduction 250
14.4.2 Line Impedance Stabilization Network 252
14.4.3 Current Probes 254
14.5 References 257
14.6 Quiz 258
14.7 Source Code 258
Chapter 15 EMC Design 259
15.1 Purpose of EMC Design 259
15.2 Electromagnetic Topology 262
15.3 Systematic EMC Design 266
15.4 References 271
15.5 Quiz 271
Appendix A Review of Circuit Analysis 273
Appendix B Wireless Communications 282
Appendix C Dimensions in EMC 288
Appendix D Abbreviations and Acronyms 289