刘佰明、乔洪亮、徐国伟编*的《海外油气运营 (石油科技英语系列教程)》是讲述海外油气运营相关 知识的英语学习教程,共5章,主要对油田开发、钻井 技术、石油开采,提高采收率以及监控和评估技术的 相关知识。
本书可作为石油相关专业的师生和石油系统员工 学习、培训使用。
Chapter 1 Field Development
1.1 Reservoir Aspects and Development Strategy
1.2 Field Redevelopment
1.3 Nondamaging, Self - diverting Acid Stimulations Revive Oil Fields
Chapter 2 Drilling Technology
2.1 The Application of Rotary Closed - loop Drilling Technology
2.2 New Well Design Using Expandable Screen Reduces Rig Time and Improves Deep water Oil Production
Chapter 3 Oil Recovery Techniques
3.1 Application of Gas Lift Technology to a High - Water - Cut Heavy - Oil Reservoir
3.2 Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery(MEOR)
3.3 Oil/Water Separation Experience from Large Oil Field
Chapter 4 Recovery Efficiency
4.1 Enhanced Oil Recovery
4.2 Low Cost IOR: An Update on Air Injection Project
4.3 Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery Research
Chapter 5 Monitoring & Evaluation
5.1 Control and Monitoring Techniques of Miscible Gas Injection Project
5.2 Potential for Horizontal-well Technology in the U. S
Chinese Translation and Key to Exercises