任岳涛 信阳师范学院副教授 出版专著2部 发表学术论文数十篇,在众多的会议口译研究中,研究方向有口译技巧、译员角色、口译过程、译员培训等,同时研究人员也建立起了不同层次的模型或模式。
The second period, from the 1960s to the early 1970s, was CIR's Experimental Psychology Period, in which researchers focused on cognitive issues, based on a the oretical framework drawn from psychology and psycholinguistics. Researchers, mainly cognitive psychologists and psycholinguists ( Oleron and Nanpon, Goldman-Eisler,Barik, Gerver), hypothesized about the interpreting process, and analyzed the impact of such variables as the source language, noise, speakers' speaking speed,and EVS ( Ear-Voice Span) , among others, on interpreting, and how interpreters coped with those variables. Gerver, the most active of these researchers, conducted experiments on interpretation over a period of 10 years, and co-organized, with Sinaiko (1978) , a symposium on interpretation that brought together interpreters and scientists from various disciplines to initiate research cooperation; unfortunately,there was no follow up to this initiative ( Gile, 1994). Gerver is often called a pioneer in the information-processing paradigm in the field; however, since the researchers in this period were not interpreters themselves, there is doubt as to whether their research helped people better understand the interpreting process.
The third period, from the early 1970s to the mid-1980s, was the Practitioners Period. The 1977 conference organized by Gerver and Sinaiko may be taken, symbolically, as the point at which research in the field began to be taken over by interpreting practitioners, who chose to ignore their predecessors' methods and findings both ( as reflected by an almost total absence of citations of their studies in the literature) , instead pursuing their own mode of investigation ( Gile, 2006). CIR in this period was dominated by Danica Seleskovitch, at the Ecole Sup6rieure d'Interpretes et de Traducteurs ( ESIT) of the Universit6 Paris III. Her research centered on her theorie du sens ( theory of sense) , also known as the Interpretive Theory (IT), which essentially postulates total deverbalization between comprehension of the source speech and production of the target speech by the interpreter, denies language-pair-specific processes, and ignores linguistic and cognitive difficulties( Gile, 2006). Seleskovitch has supervised many papers and more than 10 doctoral dissertations on interpreting, and written or contributed to several books and many papers. ESIT became a source of inspiration to aspiring interpreting researchers in the West (Cile, 2006). During this period, several models of interpreting were developed, including information-processing-oriented ones ( Moser 1978, Gerver 1976) and Gile's processing-capacity-oriented "Effort-Model" ( Gile, 1995) , and several ideas were formed on training, processes, the differences between interpretation of adlibbed speeches and speeches read from texts, and other aspects of interpreting.