目录 Contents
001 记“黑石号”(Batu Hitarn)沉船中的广东青瓷 谢明良
On the Guangdong Celadon Wares from the Belitung Shipwreck HSIEH Ming-1iang
021 关于所谓“的惺号”及其出水文物的一些意见 陈国栋
Some Thoughts on the So-called "Tek Sing" Wreck and Its Marine Artifacts CH 'EN Kuo-tung
045 9~14世纪南海及周边海域沉船的发现与研究 童歆
Findings and Researches of Shipwrecks in South China Sea and Southeast Asian Waters, 9m t0 14th Century TONG Xin
102 关于奥美尼角沉船遗址的初步认识 邓启江张辉曾瑾
The Preliminary Research on the Ngomeni Ras Shipwreck Site DENG Qi-jiang/ZHANG Hui/ZENG Jin
119 景德镇呖府山明代窑址瓷器之考察 陈冲刘未
Study of Porcelains from Kiln Site of Yangfushan in Jingdezhen of Ming Dynasty CHEN Chong/LIU Wei
138 肯尼亚蒙巴萨耶稣堡出土克拉克瓷的便携式XRF产地研究 崔剑锋 徐华烽 秦大树丁雨
Provenance Study Using Portable XRF Analysis of Kraak Porcelains Found in Fort Jesus. Mombasa, Kenya CUI Jian-feng/XU Hua-feng/QIN Da-shu/DING Yu
150 从玲珑瓷看中国与伊斯兰世界的文化交流 林梅村马丽亚·艾海提沈勰
Cultural Interaction between China and Islamic World:a Perspective of Linglong Porcelain LIN Mei-cun/Maliya AIHAITI/SHEN Xie
158 赐赉抑或贩卖?
——关于海外留存元代青花瓷输出性质的一个思考 黄珊
Gift or Exported Porcelain?
—A Study on How Blue and White Spread Overseas in Yuan Dynasty HUANG Shan
171 澳门出土明代青花瓷器研究 马锦强
Research on Chinese Ming Dynasty Blue and White Porcelains Found at Macau MA Kam-keong
205 海洋出水有机质文物的保护
——以木材和谷物为例 [韩]车美永
Conservation of Waterlogged Archaeological Organic Objects Excavated Underwater— Focused on Woods and Grains CHA Mi-young
227 The Naval Architecture of Ancient Fujian Style Sailing Junks, an Overview XU Lu
福建古代造船技术略论 许路
259 Introduction: Of Ships and Men Paola CALANCA/Pierre-Yves MANGUIN/Eric RIETH
“船与人·欧洲船舶考古与历史”专题论文导言 柯兰莽甘李特
265 The Maritime Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to an International Perspective on Coastal Cultures Christer WESTERDAHL
诲洋文化景观:国际视野下的海岸文化导论 克里斯特·维斯特道尔
288 Nautical Ethnography as an Aid to Understanding the Maritime Past Sean McGrail
航海民族志对理解海洋史的作用 肖恩·麦克格雷
304 Widening the Scope and Refining the Methods of Maritime and Experimental Archaeology:
The Roskilde Case - Viking Ships from Excavation to Full-size Sea Trials
329 Determining an Architectural Family and Its Evolution:
The Example of the Greek Tradition of Sewn Shipbuilding in the Ancient Mediterranean Patrice POMEY
古代地中海希腊缝接造船传统:一种造船体系的确认及其演化的例证 帕特里斯·帕米
341 Wrecks and Nautical Archaeology of Inland Waters: New Perspectives of Research.
The Example of the 15th Century Wreck EPI-Canche (Pas-de-Calais, France) Eric RIETH
以法国加莱海峡省15世纪沉船康什河EP1为例 埃里克·李特
364 Crews' Material Culture from the Study of Artefacts Recovered off Historic French Shipwrecks:Gathering Data, Processing and New Evidence Elisabeth VEYRAT
以法国历史时期沉船文物看船员物质文化:资料收集、整理与新证据 伊丽莎白·维拉
381 French Seamen and Chinese Commerce at the Beginning of the 18th Century:
The Voyage of La Decouverte (1707-1716) Michel L 'HOUR
十八世纪初期法国海员与中国贸易:“发现号”之旅( 1707~1716) 米歇尔·劳尔
393 约稿启事 Call for Papers
395 编后记 Afterword