裸婚(英文) 我在新浪以介末开门之名开博,连载自己的婚姻生活。飙升的点击率膨胀了我的虚荣心,我志得意满地准备出书吹嘘自己的幸福生活。出书的事还未见眉目,我离婚了,以雪崩的速度。我*次真正领略了生活的荒诞,简直想笑。 接下来的两年时间,我写了一出话剧,编了一本杂志,又谈了一次热情的恋爱结了一次婚,出书的事情顺理成章地被耽搁下来。一方面是没精力,另一方面是心里踌躇:这东西有人看么?在朋友的怂恿下,我决定还是写下来再说,既然对婚姻有了新的感悟,又有了闲,况且一吐为快的欲望又像狗一样在后面猛追。 等到动笔的时候才觉得是自讨苦吃:因为是真人真事,所以既不能丑化别人,又不能美化自己;写得太狠,对不起自己;写得不狠,也对不起自己。我被迫用更为冷静客观的眼光再次打量当年的往事,并正视自己不愿正视的所有缺陷,老实交待自己的错误和感悟。 本书是作者介末完全真实的个人经历,但也不是自传,毕竟这只是介末不足十年的个人经历,虽然客观真实,但只截取了与婚姻相关的片段,还不能作为全面了解一个人的标准。给婚姻撒上一把介末,让人感受超刺激又泪流满面的生活。不粉饰、不矫情、不夸张,一个睿智的女人带你学会生活、婚姻哲学。 The author started her bolg on Sina Weibo, entitled Jie Mo open the door, serialized publication of her Six Years of Marriage, which received over 1.6 million hits. As the number of hits soared, Jie Mo began to prepare for publication and bragged about how lucky her life was. But before much progress could be made, she got divorced. It all happened with the speed of an avalanche... Real Marriage is a delightful documentation of the narrative contradictions that fuel not only the complex human emotion of love, but also the idiosuncrasies that can be seen in contemporary Chinese married life. As the events in this book unfold before you, you feel confused, you feel despair,etc. But more importantly, these feelings leave you with laughter.