第一单元 Unit 1
1.1 讲演口译Interpret Speeches(同声传译)
1.1.1 中国领导人讲演:中国经济发展的道路(汉英同声传译)
1.1.2 外国领导人讲演:Chinese People Enjoy More Freedom(英汉同声传译)
1.2 谈话口译Interpret Talks(接续传译)
1.2.1 Human Relations(英汉接续传译)
1.2.2 奇瑞汽车——中国的自主创新精神(汉英接续传译)
1.3 热点话题口译Interpret Hot Social Issues(同声传译)
1.3.1 Customs and Habits of the Chinese People in Taiwan(英汉同声传译)
1.3.2 缩小城乡差距——避免欧洲加非洲就是中国(汉英同声传译)
1.4 口译常识Interpretation ABC
1.4.1 口译定义、口译特点
1.5 参考译文Suggested Versions
1.1.1 The Road for China to Develop its Economy
1.1.2 中国人享有更多的自由
第二单元 Unit 2
2.1 讲演口译Interpret Speeches(同声传译)
2.1.1 中国领导人讲演:社会主义现代化事业的成就(汉英同声传译)
2.1.2 外国领导人讲演:Farewell Speech(英汉同声传译)
2.2 谈话口译Interpret Talks(接续传译)
2.2.1 How Does a Car Engine Work?(英汉接续传译)
2.2.2 安然公司之死(汉英接续传译)
2.3 热点话题口译Interpret Hot Social Issues(同声传译)
2.3.1 Advertising All over the World(英汉同声传译)
2.3.2 研究美国问题的重要性(汉英同声传译)
2.4 口译常识Interpretation ABC
2.4.1 口译学习标准和学习方法
2.5 参考译文Suggested Versions
2.1.1 Achievements of the Socialist Construction
2.1.2 告别演说
第三单元 Unit 3
3.1 讲演口译Interpret Speeches(同声传译)
3.1.1 中国领导人讲演:共同努力进入中国一东盟经贸合作新纪元(汉英同声传译)
3.1.2 外国领导人讲演:First Inaugural Address(英汉同声传译)
3.2 谈话口译Interpret Talks(接续传译)
3.2.1 Helicopters and Hovercraft(英汉接续传译)
3.2.2 收入分配制度改革时机已经成熟(汉英接续传译)
3.3 热点话题口译Interpret Hot Social Issues(同声传译)
3.3.1 Cosmetic Surgery(英汉同声传译)
3.3.2 “日月潭”(汉英同声传译) 166
3.4 口译常识Interpretation ABC 168
3.4.1 口译的学习阶段、口译的基本类别
3.5 参考译文Surggested Versions
3.1.1 Work Together to Usher in a New Era of China—ASEAN Economic Cooperation and Trade
3.1.2 首次就职演说 172
第四单元 Unit 4
4.1 讲演口译Interpret Speeches(同声传译)
4.1.1 中国领导人讲演:把目光投向中国(汉英同声传译)
4.1.2 外国领导人讲演:Speech by President Bush at Tsinghua University(英汉同声传译)
4.2 谈话口译Interpret Talks(接续传译)
4.2.1 The Stock Exchange(英汉接续传译)
4.2.2 建设社会主义新农村(汉英接续传译)
4.3 热点话题口译Interpret Hot Social Issues(同声传译)
4.3.1 Crime and Punishment(英汉同声传译)
4.3.2 建设创新型国家(汉英同声传译)
4.4 口译常识Interpretation ABC
4.4.1 口译其他类别、口译场景
4.5 参考译文Suggested Versions
4.1.1 Turning Your Eyes To China
4.1.2 在清华大学演讲
第五单元 Unit 5
5.1 讲演口译Interpret Speeches(同声传译)
5.1.1 中国领导人讲演:中国外交工作和国际问题(汉英同声传译)
5.1.2 外国领导人讲演:2004 State of the Union Address(英汉同声传译)
5.2 谈话口译Interpret Talks(接续传译)
5.2.1 Differences between South Koreans and Americans(英汉接续传译)
5.2.2 大国的崛起——关注美国(汉英接续传译)
5.3 热点话题口译Interpret Hot Social Issues(同声传译)
5.3.1 Finding a Spouse(英汉同声传译)
5.3.2 百姓在关心什么(汉英同声传译)
5.3.3 法治社会就是大家做事都要讲规矩(汉英同声传译)
5.4 口译常识Interpretation ABC
5.4.1 话不得体怎样处理?言辞不当怎样处理?文化观念冲突怎样处理?哆嗦、意思重复时怎样处理?
5.5 参考译文Suggested Versions
5.1.1 Chinas Work on Foreign Affairs and International Problems
5.1.2 2004年国情咨文
第六单元 Unit 6
6.1 讲演口译Interpret Speeches(同声传译)
6.1.1 中国领导人讲演:建设现代化的国家(汉英同声传译)
6.1.2 外国领导人讲演:This New Century:the Dawn of a New China(英汉同声传译)
6.2 谈话口译Interpret Talks(接续传译)
6.2.1 American Values and Beliefs(英汉接续传译)
6.2.2 人民币升值话题(汉英接续传译)
6.3 热点话题口译Interpret Hot Social Issues(同声传译)
6.3.1 The Falling Value of the Dollar and its Stability(英汉同声传译)
6.3.2 不断攀升的死刑“底线”和反腐应对贪污“零容忍”(汉英同声传译)
6.3.3 学习新加坡解决住房问题(汉英同声传译)
6.4 口译常识Interpretation ABC
6.4.1 讲话逻辑混乱如何翻译?概念混淆如何翻译?
6.5 参考译文Suggested Versions
6.1.1 Building up a Modernized Nation
6.1.2 本世纪——新中国黎明的世纪
In China, the average annual incomes of urban and rural residents have respectively increasedby 5.1 folds and 5.2 folds. And in terms of the per capita housing areas, the square meters of urbanand rural residents respective rose from 6.7 to 25 square meters and from 8.1 to 29.7 square meters.
Automobile has entered ordinary Chinese families. In 2005, car sales in China reached 3.13million. Chinas average fife expectancy rose from 35 prior to 1949 to 72 years old, and thatexceeds the average level of middle-income countries. In China, nine-year compulsory education isbasically popularized, and illiteracy among youngand middle-aged people is basically eliminated.The rural poor population dropped from 250 million in 1978 to 23.65 million in 2005. Now theChinese people generally enjoy a comparatively well-off life.,
Second, we have stuck without any,wavering to the political development road with Chinesecharacteristics. We feel that the political development road with Chinesecharateristics is the basicguarantee for the long-term stability of China. The political systemthat a country carries out canonly be decided by the people of the country according to its basic national conditions. In line withChinas national conditions and real situation, the Chinese people have chosen their own politicaldevelopment road.
In terms of the political system, we adopt the National Peoples Congress (NPC) system. TheNPC exercises the supreme state power, and all the states administrative, judicial and procuratorialorgans are created by the NPC, and all these organs are responsible for the NPC, and at the sametime are supervised by the NPC. That system not only allows full democracy and brings vitality tothe national political life, but also enables us to pool resources to solve major problems and raiseworking efficiency.
In terms of the political party system, we implement the system of multi-party cooperation andpolitical consultation led by the Communist Party of China (CPC).The CPC is the core ofleadership, and is the ruling party. The democratic parties are neither out-parties nor oppositionparties, but parties participating in the management of state affairs. The CPC makes fuUconsultations with the democratic parties on all the major decisions and policies concerning stateaffairs.