21世纪职业健康安全(英文影印版)Occupational health and safety for the 21st century
Preface vii
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction xi
About the Author xvii
List of Abbreviations xix
1 Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety 3
2 Occupational Health Policy and the Regulatory Climate 41
3 Epidemiologic and Toxicologic Aspects of Occupational Health and Safety 81
4 Hazards from Chemicals and Toxic Metals 127
5 Physical Hazards in the Workplace 171
6 Biological and Microbial Hazards in the Workplace 215
7 Examples of Major Occupational Diseases 253
8 Work-Related Injuries and Fatalities 293
9 Psychosocial Aspects of Work: Job Stress and Associated Conditions 335
10 Occupational Safety and the Prevention of Occupational Disease 373
Glossary 411
Index 429