(一)研究生教育质量,你必须知道的“7 个数”/ 12
(二)大数据告诉你 2016 年研究生教育质量“杠不杠”/ 24
(一)2016 年度不容错过的研究生教育质量十大事件 / 34
(二)面对“研究生教育”,清华 & 苏州大学怎么做 / 36
(三)华南理工大学何镜堂院士和他的研究生教育秘籍 / 40
(一)人才培养大比拼 / 42
(二)教育贡献大比拼 / 50
(三)社会贡献大比拼 / 54 四、“生”说研究生教育质量
(一)“我们”来评价研究生培养质量 / 58
(二)“我们”对研究生培养质量满意吗 / 62
(一)国外媒体评价中国研究生教育,那么问题来了 / 70
(二)厉害了?亚洲国家研究生教育质量 / 72
(三)世界这么大,国外研究生教育动态先让你看看 / 74 Data on Graduate Education Quality
Ⅰ. 7 types of data on graduate education quality / 13
Ⅱ. Big data on graduate education quality in 2016 / 25
Events about Graduate Education Quality
Ⅰ. 10 hot issues regarding graduate education quality in 2016 / 35
Ⅱ. Tsinghua & Soochow universities’ Efforts to Promote Graduate
Education / 37
Ⅲ. Academician He Jingtang from South China University of Technology
and his personal advice concerning graduate education / 41
Graduate Education Quality in Each Province
Ⅰ. Competition on Talent Training / 43
Ⅱ. Competition on Education Contribution / 51
Ⅲ. Competition on Social contribution / 55 Graduate Education Quality from Students’ Perspective
Ⅰ. Competition on Talent Training / 59
Ⅱ. Is the Graduate Education Quality Satisfying / 63
International Reviews of Graduate Education
Ⅰ. China’s Graduate Education in the Eyes of Foreign Medias / 71
Ⅱ. Graduate education quality in other Asian countries / 73
Ⅲ. How is the Graduate Education Going in Foreign Countries / 75