《自然史》原著为法文,共44卷。本版为英国学者James Smith Barr在1797-1807年翻译出版的10卷册,是原著中*精华的部分,主要包括地球的理论、动物史、人类史、家畜驯养史,并简单介绍了矿物和植物等内容。
《Natural History(6 自然史第6卷)》可供生物学、生态学、地质学等专业的高校师生和相关科研人员以及博物爱好者阅读。
哲语说,文如其人。《自然史》的作者布封,全名乔治,路易,勒克莱尔.布封(Georges-Louis Leclerc,Comtede Buffon,1707-1788),如同他的不朽著作一样,也有一部不寻常的经历。他生于法国,自幼喜好自然科学,特别是数学。1728年法律专业毕业后,又学了两年医学。20岁时就先于牛顿发现了二项式定理;26岁成为法兰西科学院机械部的助理研究员,翻译并出版了英国博物学者海尔斯的著作《植物生理与空气分析》和牛顿的《微积分术》;1739年,32岁的他转为法兰西科学院数学部的副研究员,并被任命为“巴黎皇家植物园及御书房”的总管;1753年成为法兰西科学院院士。他用40年的时间写出了长达36卷的《自然史》,后又由他的学生整理出版了8卷,共44卷。此书一出版,就轰动了欧洲的学术界,各国很快有了译本。1777年,法国政府给布封建了一座铜像,上面写着:“献给和大自然一样伟大的天才。”这是对布封的崇高评价。
《自然史》原著为法文,这里出版的是英国学者James Smith Barr在1797-1807年翻译的英文版10卷册,选取的是原著中最精华的部分。发行这样的英文版高级作品、高级读物,就像外文书籍、外文刊物一样,自然面对的也是高水平的读者和馆藏者,希望他们既可以接近原汁原味地欣赏原著,感受自然的魅力,受到自然科学和文学艺术的熏陶,同时又能自然而然地提高英文素养和写作水平。在广大知识分子外语水平普遍提高的今天,这样的科学传播形式也许会受到越来越多读者的青睐。
Of Domestic Animals
The Cat
Chap. III.Of Wild Animals
The Stag, or Red Deer
The Fallow-Deer
The Roe-buck
The Hare
The Rabbit
Chap. IV.Of Carnivorous Animals
The WoZf
The Fox
The Badger
The Otter
The Marten
The Pine- Weasel
The Polecat
The Ferret
The Weasel
The Ermine
The Grison
The Squirrel
The Rat
The Mouse
The Field-Mouse
The Water-Rat
The Campagn,ol
The Guinea-Pig
The Hedge-Hog
The Shrew-Mouse
The Water Shrew-Mouse
The Mole
The Bat
The Loir
The Lerot
The Dormouse
The Surmulot
The Alpine Marmot
The Bear
The Beaver
The Raccoon
The Coati
The Agouti
The Lion
《Natural History(6 自然史第6卷)》:
Some animals, and they are the most mild, innocent, and tranquil, are contented with remaining at a certain distance from us, and living in our fields; others more fierce and distrustful, conceal themselves in the recesses of woods; others, as if they knew there was no safety on the surface of the earth, dig themselves subterraneous abodes, take shelter in caverns, or gain the summits of most inaccessible mountains; and others, the most ferocious and most powerful, inhabit deserts only, and reign like sovereigns in those burning climates, where man, as savage as themselves, is unable to dispute the empire with them.
As all beings, even the most independent, are subjected and governed by physical laws, and as brute animals, as well as man, experience the infiuences of the air and soil, so it appears, that the same causes which have softened and civilized the human species in our climates, have produced similar effects upon all other species. The wolf, which is perhaps the most ferocious animal in the temperate zone, is by no means so terrible or cruel as the tiger, the panther, and the lion of the torrid zone; or as the white bear, the lynx, and the hyaena of the frozen zone. And this difference is not only general, as if Nature, to give a degree of harmony to her productions, had calculated the climate for the species, or the species for the climate, but in each particular species the climate is calculated for the manner, and the manners for the climate. In America, where the heat is less violent, and the air and soil more benign than in Africa, though under the same line, the lion, tiger, and panther, have nothing terrible in them but the name. They are no longer tyrants of the forests, intrepid enemies of mankind, monsters which delight in blood and carnage: but they usually run from before man, and instead of waging open war even against other animals, employ stratagem and artifice to take them by surprise; in a word, they may be rendered subservient and almost domestic; therefore were ferocity and cruelty the characteristic of their natures, they must have degenerated, or rather felt the influence of the climate; under a milder sky their dispositions have become milder; every excess in them has been tempered, and by these changes they have become more conformable to the nature of the country which they inhabit.
The vegetables which cover this earth and are more connected with it than the animal that feeds upon them, partake in a superior degree of the nature of the climate. Every country, every degree of temperature, has its particular plants. At the foot of the Alps we find those of France and Italy, and on their summit those of the northern regions, which very plants we also meet with on the frozen pinnacles of the African mountains. On the south side of the mountains which separate the Mogul empire from the kingdom of Cashmire, we see all the plants,of the Indies, and on the other side we are surprised to find none but those of Europe. It is from intemperate climates that we also derive drugs, perfumes, poisons and all the plants whose qualities are excessive. The productions of temperate climates, on the contrary are always mild. Of such happy spots, herbs and roots the most wholesome, the sweetest fruits, the gentlest animals and the most polished men, are the delightful appurtenances. Thus the earth produces plants, the earth and plants make animals, and of the earth, plants, and animals, are formed men; for the qualities of vegetables, proceed immediately from the soil and air; the temperament and other relative qualities of animals which feed on herbs, have a close affinity to the particular kinds they use, and the physical qualities of men, and other animals which subsist on flesh, as well as on vegetables, depend, though more remotely, on the same causes, whose infiuence extends even to disposition and manners. Size and form, which appear to be absolute and determined qualities, depend, nevertheless, like the relative qualities upon the influence of the climate. The size of our largest animals are greatly inferior to that of the elephant, thinoceros, or hippopotamus; our largest birds are but small if we compare them with the ostrich, condor, or the cassowary; and what comparison can be made between the fishes, lizards, and serpents of our regions, and the whale, the walrus, and manati, which inhabit the northern seas; or the crocodiles, large lizards, and enormous adders which infest the southern climes, both by land and water?