《英语:口语教程2(第二版 高职高专英语专业适用)》在选材内容和难度上紧扣高职高专英语专业培养目标,以实用为主,够用为度。 每单元的主题均来源于学生的学习和日常生活,编者适当控制了材料的难度,以便适合高职高专学生使用。 《英语:口语教程2(第二版 高职高专英语专业适用)》在编写中突出语言的交际功能,反映语言的习得性、交际性、社会性、人文性和教育性等特征。 每单元选取真实的交际内容,提供真实的交际环境和交际任务供学生练习使用。 《英语:口语教程2(第二版 高职高专英语专业适用)》单元结构合理,脉络清晰,符合语言学习规律。所选素材新颖,注重培养学生搜寻、接收和处理英语信息的能力。 《英语:口语教程2(第二版 高职高专英语专业适用)》中的单元模块力图体现策略训练的理念,力图帮助学生克服语言学习的心理障碍,尽快掌握口语交际策略。
Unit 1 Language Learning
PART Ⅰ Breaking the Ice
PART Ⅱ Experiencing
PART Ⅲ Developing
PART Ⅳ Sharpening
Time for Fun
Unit 2 City Life
PART Ⅰ Breaking the Ice
PART Ⅱ Experiencing
PART Ⅲ Developing
PART Ⅳ Sharpening
Time for Fun
Unit 3 Entertainment
PART Ⅰ Breaking the Ice
PART Ⅱ Experiencing
PART Ⅲ Developing
PART Ⅳ Sharpening
Time for Fun
Unit 4 Food Culture
PART Ⅰ Breaking the Ice
PART Ⅱ Experiencing
PART Ⅲ Developing
PART Ⅳ Sharpening
Time for Fun
Unit 5 Lifelong Education
PART Ⅰ Breaking the Ice
PART Ⅱ Experiencing
PART Ⅲ Developing
PART Ⅳ Sharpening
Time for Fun
Unit 6 Environment
PART Ⅰ Breaking the Ice
PART Ⅱ Experiencing
PART Ⅲ Developing
PART Ⅳ Sharpening
Time for Fun
Unit 7 Love and Marriage
PART Ⅰ Breaking the Ice
PART Ⅱ Experiencing
PART Ⅲ Developing
PART Ⅳ Sharpening
Time for Fun
Unit 8 Future
PART Ⅰ Breaking the Ice
PART Ⅱ Experiencing
PART Ⅲ Developing
PART Ⅳ Sharpening
Time for Fun
Unit 9 Money
PART Ⅰ Breaking the Ice
PART Ⅱ Experiencing
PART Ⅲ Developing
PART Ⅳ Sharpening
Time for Fun
Unit 10 Job Interview
PART Ⅰ Breaking the Ice
PART Ⅱ Experiencing
PART Ⅲ Developing
PART Ⅳ Sharpening
Time for Fun