定 价:27 元
- 作者:赵永青,李文萍 著
- 出版时间:2008/7/1
- ISBN:9787040222111
- 出 版 社:高等教育出版社
- 中图法分类:H319.9
- 页码:247
- 纸张:
- 版次:1
- 开本:16开
1.参考研究了大量国内外相关著作及演讲的影音资料,并对教师在演讲课教学实践中发现的问题进行归纳总结,在每章的Tips for You中进行了回答。这是本书不同于国外同类教材的特别之处。
Part Ⅰ
General Introduction to Public Speaking
Chapter 1
Introduction to Public Speaking
A.Definition of Public Speaking
B.Reasons for Studying Public Speaking
C.Public Speaking Is a Learned Skill
D.Public Speaking and Conversation
E.Tips for You
Chapter 2
Coping Effectively with Public Speaking Anxiety
A.Public Speaking Apprehension
B.Public Speaking Apprehension Is Not Exclusive to Certain People
C.Tips for You
Part Ⅱ
Preparing for Your Speech
Chapter 3
Selecting and Focusing on Your Topic
A.Generating Potential Topics
B.Choosing a Topic
C.Focusing on Your Topic
D.Tips for You
Chapter 4
Determining a Purpose
A.General Purpose
B.Specific Purposes
C.Tips for You
Chapter 5
Considering Your Audienee
A.Becoming an Audience-Centric Speaker
B.Analyzing Your Audience Before You Speak
C.Analyzing Your Audience as You Speak
D.Analyzing Your Audience After You Speak
E.Tips for You
Chapter 6
Supporting Your Speech
E Comparisons and Contrasts
G.Tips for You
Part Ⅲ
Organizing Your Speech
Chapter 7
Organizing the Body of the Speech
A.Preparing Main Points
B.Supporting Materials
D.Tips for You
Chapter 8
Beginning of the Speech
A.Goals of the Introduction
B.Developing an Effective Introduction
C.Avoiding Some Common Faults of Introduction
D.Criteria for an Effective Introduction
E.Tips for You
Chapter 9
Conclusion of the Speech
A.The Purpose of Conclusion
B.Techniques for Designing a Conclusion
C.Some Dos and Donts of Conclusion
D.Tips for You
Chapter 10
Outlining the Speech
A.The Preparation Outline
B.The Speaking Outline
C.Tips for You
Chapter 11
Using Words Effectively
A.Choosing Words
B.Phrasing Sentences
C.Tips for You
Part Ⅳ
Ways and Aids for Presenting Your Speech
Chapter 12
Presenting the Speech
A.Good Delivery
B.The Skills Involved in Public Speaking
C.Methods of Delivery
D.The Speakers Voice
E.Nonverbal Communication
E Tips for You
Visual Aids
A.Functions of Visual Aids
B.Types of Visual Aids
C.Visual Aids Design Principles
D.Presenting Visual Aids
E.Tips for You
Part Ⅴ
Types of Public Speaking
Chapter 14
Public Speaking to Inform
A.Definition of Informative Speech
B.Goals of Informative Speech
C.Types of Informative Speech
D.Guidelines for Informative Speech
E.Tips for You
Chapter 15
Public Speaking to Persuade
A.Definition of Persuasion
B.Analyzing Audience for Persuasion
C.Organizing Reasons to Meet Audiences Attitudes
D.Developing Your Purpose
E.Modes of Appeal
E Tips for You
Chapter 16
Speeches for Specially Defined Situations
A.Speeches of Introduction
B.Speeches of Presentation
C.Acceptance Speeches
D.Welcome Speeches
E.Tribute Speeches
E Tips for You
Chapter 17
Impromptu Speech
A.The Situations When We Deliver Impromptu Speech
B.Techniques for Delivering a Better Impromptu Speech
C.Speech Structure
D.Five Effective Principles of Impromptu Speech
E.90-Second Impromptu Speech Outline
F.Suggestions to Deliver Successful Impromptu Speeches
G.Tips for You
Part Ⅵ
Sample Speeches
Chapter 18
Sample Speeches for Analysis
A.Contest Speeches Analysis
B.Great Speeches Analysis