中国健康老龄发展趋势和影响因素研究 读者对象:本书适用于中国健康老龄研究领域的学者
第一部分 中国健康老龄发展趋势分析 第1章 为健康老龄研究提供数据支持:中国老年健康调查第六、七次调查概述 (3) 1.1 引言 (3) 1.2 中国老年健康调查设计及2011年和2014年第六、七次调查特点 (4) 1.3 主要调查内容 (6) 1.4 数据质量评估 (8) 第2章 社会经济地位对健康影响随年龄增长的变化趋势:“收敛”还是“发散”? (13) 2.1 引言 (13) 2.2 文献综述与研究设计 (14) 2.3 数据和研究方法 (16) 2.4 研究结果 (19) 2.5 结语 (26) 第3章 中国高龄老年人日常生活自理能力的年龄、性别、城乡和区域差异及其变化趋势 (28) 3.1 引言 (28) 3.2 调查对象的基本状况 (29) 3.3 中国高龄老人的日常生活自理能力状况分析 (30) 3.4 结语 (37) 第4章 中国高龄老人生活自理能力、躯体功能、认知功能及死亡率变动趋势分析 (40) 4.1 引言 (40) 4.2 数据来源与研究方法 (42) 4.3 主要研究结果 (45) 4.4 结语 (56) 本章附件 (60) 第5章 我国高龄老人家庭照料支持变动趋势研究 (62) 5.1 引言 (62) 5.2 国内外相关研究进展 (63) 5.3 主要数据基础和研究方法 (64) 5.4 不同时期家庭对高龄老人的照料支持变动情况 (67) 5.5 不同队列高龄老人家庭照料支持的变动情况 (74) 5.6 结语 (79) 第6章 我国21世纪上半叶老年生活自理能力状况和家庭照料需求成本变动趋势分析 (80) 6.1 引言 (80) 6.2 基本理论框架及老年家庭照料需求成本预测模型的建立 (82) 6.3 数据来源、估算及模拟预测方案设计 (84) 6.4 估测分析结果 (89) 6.5 结语 (101) 第二部分 健康老龄的影响因素研究 第7章 空巢模式对老年躯体健康与心理健康的影响 (107) 7.1 引言 (107) 7.2 空巢对老年健康影响的文献回顾 (108) 7.3 研究路线 (110) 7.4 空巢对老年躯体健康与心理健康的影响 (113) 7.5 结语 (121) 第8章 成年子女与老年父母家庭代际转移的动机及作用机制分析 (124) 8.1 引言 (124) 8.2 现有相关文献及研究设计 (126) 8.3 研究数据和方法介绍 (128) 8.4 研究发现 (134) 8.5 结语 (148) 第9章 老年人健康和生活满意度的自我评价及其影响因素 (149) 9.1 引言 (149) 9.2 数据基本情况和分析方法 (151) 9.3 主要发现 (157) 9.4 结语 (159) 第10章 我国老年人自评健康的性别差异分析 (162) 10.1 引言 (162) 10.2 我国老年人自评健康的性别差异的统计分析 (164) 10.3 我国老年人自评健康性别差异分析 (167) 10.4 我国老年人自评健康性别差异的分解 (168) 10.5 结语 (171) 第11章 老年人晚年照料需求强度的实证研究 (174) 11.1 引言 (174) 11.2 数据与方法 (176) 11.3 主要研究结果 (178) 11.4 结语 (187) 第12章 城乡医疗保障水平提高对老年人医疗负担、医疗服务利用和健康的影响 (189) 12.1 引言 (189) 12.2 按医疗保险类型分,老年人基本情况分析 (190) 12.3 老年人医疗负担变动趋势 (196) 12.4 按医疗保险类型分的老年人医疗费用、医疗服务使用和健康状况变动趋势 (200) 12.5 计量模型设定 (206) 12.6 保障水平提高对老年人医疗负担、医疗服务利用和健康的影响 (207) 12.7 结语 (211) 本章附件 (213) 第13章 新农保对农民养老模式的影响 (215) 13.1 引言 (215) 13.2 文献回顾 (217) 13.3 理论框架和实证方法 (218) 13.4 数据来源及描述性统计 (222) 13.5 实证分析结果与讨论 (225) 13.6 结语 (233) 第14章 新农保对家庭代际转移的影响 (235) 14.1 引言 (235) 14.2 文献回顾 (236) 14.3 数据及描述性统计 (238) 14.4 模型设定 (244) 14.5 实证分析结果 (247) 14.6 结语 (252) 本章附件1 (255) 本章附件2 (256) 第15章 居住安排变化对老年人死亡风险的影响 (257) 15.1 引言 (257) 15.2 老年人死亡风险影响因素的研究 (258) 15.3 数据与方法 (260) 15.4 分析结果 (265) 15.5 结语 (269) 第16章 轻度认知障碍老人死亡风险的影响因素研究 (272) 16.1 引言 (272) 16.2 文献回顾 (273) 16.3 数据来源、方法及变量测度 (274) 16.4 主要研究发现 (277) 16.5 结语 (285) 第17章 社区环境因素对老年健康和死亡的影响 (286) 17.1 引言 (286) 17.2 数据来源、变量定义与研究方法 (288) 17.3 分析结果 (293) 17.4 结语 (299) 本章附件 (301) 第18章 环境与遗传因素交互作用对老年健康的影响——相关前期研究综述 (302) 18.1 引言 (302) 18.2 环境与遗传因素交互作用对老龄健康影响的跨学科研究综述 (303) 18.3 我们的相关前期研究概述 (305) 18.4 结语 (311) 第三部分 老龄人群的生物医学指标分析 第19章 老龄人群慢性疾病与生物医学指标状况及其影响因素研究 (315) 19.1 引言 (315) 19.2 长寿地区老龄人群慢性病及有关健康指标研究 (316) 19.3 老年人慢性病患病的影响因素 (320) 19.4 老年人膳食营养与健康的关系 (323) 19.5 老年人日常活动功能的影响因素 (323) 19.6 结语 (326) 第20章 老龄人群认知功能障碍及其生物医学指标研究 (327) 20.1 引言 (327) 20.2 老龄人群认知功能障碍流行情况 (328) 20.3 认知功能障碍的生物医学指标 (329) 20.4 结语 (338) 第21章 高龄人群死亡风险及其生物医学指标研究 (340) 21.1 引言 (340) 21.2 高龄人群的死亡风险 (341) 21.3 高龄人群死亡风险的生物医学指标研究 (342) 21.4 结语 (349) 第22章 硒与老龄健康 (351) 22.1 引言 (351) 22.2 环境硒水平与老年人群体内硒水平 (352) 22.3 硒与老年认知功能 (354) 22.4 硒与高血压 (359) 22.5 硒与血脂异常 (360) 22.6 硒与糖尿病 (362) 22.7 结语 (363) 第四部分 健康老龄相关政策分析 第23章 中国农村老人长期照料需求和供给现状分析及相关政策建议 (367) 23.1 引言 (367) 23.2 中国农村老人的长期照料需求 (368) 23.3 中国农村老人长期照料的供给状况 (370) 23.4 社会养老保障体系建设对老年照料的影响:社会养老保险是否会挤出子女对老年人提供的照料 (373) 23.5 结语:相关政策建议 (374) 第24章 儿童期社会经济地位对中国老年健康的影响分析及相关政策建议 (376) 24.1 引言 (376) 24.2 文献综述 (377) 24.3 变量与研究方法 (379) 24.4 结果分析 (383) 24.5 结语:相关政策建议 (387) 第25章 农村老年人养老模式研究——来自村落调查的启示 (389) 25.1 引言 (389) 25.2 研究地点与对象 (390) 25.3 数据与方法 (391) 25.4 研究结果 (392) 25.5 结语:相关政策建议 (399) 第26章 多代同堂模式的福利效应分析:老人与子女的互利共赢 (402) 26.1 引言 (402) 26.2 多代同堂模式对老年健康的影响:心理慰藉甚于生理照护 (405) 26.3 多代同堂模式对女性劳动参与的影响:家有一老如有一宝 (406) 26.4 结语:关于“把家庭找回来”的政策建议 (407) 第27章 “普遍允许二孩”政策大大有利于应对人口老化严峻挑战 (410) 27.1 引言 (410) 27.2 多维家庭人口预测方法及不同生育政策方案下相关参数的估计和假定 (412) 27.3 “普遍允许二孩”在应对人口老化严峻挑战方面显著优于“只开放双单独” (413) 27.4 “普遍允许二孩”在其他许多方面优于“只开放双单独” (418) 27.5 结语:抓紧全面实施“普遍允许二孩”与其他两项应对人口老化挑战重大战略 (421) 第28章 整合卫生计生服务与老龄工作,促进亿万家庭福祉 (423) 28.1 引言 (423) 28.2 家庭户小型化与结构变化趋势 (426) 28.3 家庭户小型化对人口老化、能源消费及可持续发展的影响 (428) 28.4 结语:关于尽快整合卫生、计划生育与老龄工作的政策建议 (430) 结束语:进一步深入研究的展望 (433) 参考文献 (437) 附录1 中国老年健康调查第六、七次调查数据质量评估 (478) 附录2 我们团队2012~2017年组织的四次国内学术研讨会和培训 (494) 附录3 我们团队2012~2017年组织的四次国际学术研讨会 (497) 索引 (500) Contents Part 1 Trends of Healthy Aging in China Chapter 1 Introduction to CLHLS Survey: The 6th and 7th Waves (3) 1.1 Introduction (3) 1.2 Survey Design and Characteristics of the 6th Wave in 2011 and 7th Wave in 2014 (4) 1.3 Main Contents of the Survey (6) 1.4 Data Quality Assessment (8) Chapter 2 Changes in Socioeconomic Status as Determinants of Health with Increase in Ages: Convergence or Divergence? (13) 2.1 Introduction (13) 2.2 Literature Review and Research Design (14) 2.3 Data and Research Methods (16) 2.4 Research Results (19) 2.5 Conclusion (26) Chapter 3 The Age, Gender , Urban-Rural and Regional Differences in Dynamic Changes of Activity of Daily Living Among the Chinese Oldest-old (28) 3.1 Introduction (28) 3.2 Basic Information of Respondents (29) 3.3 Results of the Analysis for Activity of Daily Living Among the Chinese Oldest-old (30) 3.4 Conclusion (37) Chapter 4 Trends of Dynamic Changes in Activities of Daily Living, Physical Performance, Cognitive Function and Mortality Rates Among the Oldest-old in China (40) 4.1 Introduction (40) 4.2 Data Sources and Research Methods (42) 4.3 Main Research Results (45) 4.4 Conclusion (56) Anneses (60) Chapter 5 Trends of Dynamic Changes of Family Support for the Chinese Oldest-old (62) 5.1 Introduction (62) 5.2 Progress of Related Research Domestic and Overseas (63) 5.3 Main Data Resource and Research Methods (64) 5.4 Changes of Family Support for the Oldest-old in Different Periods (67) 5.5 Changes of Family Support for the Oldest-old from Different Cohorts (74) 5.6 Conclusion (79) Chapter 6 Analysis on Trends of Activities of Daily Living among the Chinese Elderly and Their Future Home-based Care Needs and Costs in the First Half of the 21st Century (80) 6.1 Introduction (80) 6.2 Basic Theoretical Framework and Multistate Projection Model for Home-based Care Needs and Costs for the Elderly (82) 6.3 Data Sources, Estimates and Parameters Assumptions (84) 6.4 Projection Results (89) 6.5 Conclusion (101) Part 2 Determinants of Healthy Aging Chapter 7 The Impact of Empty-Nested Living on Physical and Psychological Health Among Elderly (107) 7.1 Introduction (107) 7.2 The Literature Review of the Effects of Empty-Nested on the Health Among Elderly (108) 7.3 Research Design (110) 7.4 The Impact of Empty-Nested Living on Physical and Psychological Health Among Elderly (113) 7.5 Conclusion (121) Chapter 8 The Motives and Mechanisms of Intergenerational Transfer Between Adult Children and Elderly Parents (124) 8.1 Introduction (124) 8.2 Literature Review and Research Design (126) 8.3 Research Data and Methods (128) 8.4 Research Findings (134) 8.5 Conclusion (148) Chapter 9 Self-Assessment of Health and Life Satisfaction, the Determinants Among Elderly (149) 9.1 Introduction (149) 9.2 Data Fundamentals and Research Methods (151) 9.3 Key Findings (157) 9.4 Conclusion (159) Chapter 10 The Analysis on Gender Difference in Self-Rated Health Among Elderly in China (162) 10.1 Introduction (162) 10.2 Descriptive Analysis on Gender Difference in Self-Rated Health Among Elderly in China (164) 10.3 Multivariate Statistical Analysis on Gender Difference in Self-Rated Health Among Elderly in China (167) 10.4 Decomposition Analysis on Gender Difference in Self-Rated Health Among Elderly in China (168) 10.5 Conclusion (171) Chapter 11 A Study on the Intensity of Care Needs Among the Chinese Elderly in Later Life (174) 11.1 Introduction (174) 11.2 Data and Research Methods (176) 11.3 Key Research Results (178) 11.4 Conclusion (187) Chapter 12 The Impacts of Improved Urban and Rural Medical Security Level on Health Care Utilization, Financial Burden and Health Status Among the Elderly (189) 12.1 Introduction (189) 12.2 Analysis of the Basic Characteristics of the Elderly According to the Type of Medical Insurance (190) 12.3 Changing Trend of Medical Burden Among the Elderly (196) 12.4 Changing Trend of the Medical Expenses, Health Care Utilization and Health Status of the Elderly (200) 12.5 Econometric Model Design (206) 12.6 The Impacts of Improving Social Security on Health Care Utilization, Financial Burden and Health Status Among the Elderly (207) 12.7 Conclusion (211) Anneses (213) Chapter 13 The Impacts of the New Rural Pension Scheme on the Elder-care Pattern in Rural China (215) 13.1 Introduction (215) 13.2 Literature Review (217) 13.3 Theoretical Framework and Empirical Analysis Approach (218) 13.4 Data Sources and Descriptive Statistics (222) 13.5 Results of Empirical Analysis and Discussion (225) 13.6 Conclusion (233) Chapter 14 Effects of the New Rural Society Endowment Insurance Program on Intergenerational Transfer (235) 14.1 Introduction (235) 14.2 Literature Review (236) 14.3 Data and Descriptive Statistics (238) 14.4 Econometric Model Design (244) 14.5 Result of Empirical Analysis (247) 14.6 Conclusion (252) Annese 1 (255) Annese 2 (256) Chapter 15 Impacts of Changes in Living Arrangements on Elderly Mortality Risk (257) 15.1 Introduction (257) 15.2 Study on the factors affecting the death risk of the elderly (258) 15.3 Data and Research Methods (260) 15.4 Results of the Analysis (265) 15.5 Conclusion (269) Chapter 16 Analysis on Influence Factors on Mortality Risk of the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment (272) 16.1 Introduction (272) 16.2 Literature Review (273) 16.3 Data Sources, Research Methods and Measures (274) 16.4 Key Research Findings (277) 16.5 Conclusion (285) Chapter 17 Associations of Community Environmental Factors with Elderly Health and Mortality (286) 17.1 Introduction (286) 17.2 Data Sources, Variable Definitions and Research Methods (288) 17.3 Results of the Analysis (293) 17.4 Conclusion (299) Anneses (301) Chapter 18 Effects of Interactions Between Environmental and Genetic Factors on Health Aging: A Review on the Relevant Prior Research (302) 18.1 Introduction (302) 18.2 The Review of Interdisciplinary Research on Effects of Interactions Between Environmental and Genetic Factors on Health Aging (303) 18.3 An Overview of Our Previous Research (305) 18.4 Conclusion (311) Part 3 Analyses of Biomarkers of the Elderly Chapter 19 Chronic Diseases, Biomarkers and Their Influencing Factors in the Elderly (315) 19.1 Introduction (315) 19.2 Analysis on Chronic Diseases and Related Biomarkers of the Elderly in the Longevity Regions (316) 19.3 Influencing Factors of the Elderly’s Chronic Diseases (320) 19.4 Relationship Between the Elderly’s Dietary Nutrition and Health (323) 19.5 Influencing Factors of ADL in the Elderly (323) 19.6 Conclusion (326) Chapter 20 Cognitive Impairment and Biomarkers in the Older Adults (327) 20.1 Introduction (327) 20.2 Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment in the Older Adults (328) 20.3 Biomarkers of Cognitive Impairment (329) 20.4 Conclusion (338) Chapter 21 Mortality Risk and Biomarkers Among the Oldest-old (340) 21.1 Introduction (340) 21.2 Mortality Risk of the Oldest-old (341) 21.3 Analysis on Biomarkers of Mortality Risk of the Oldest-old (342) 21.4 Conclusion (349) Chapter 22 Selenium and Healthy Aging (351) 22.1 Introduction (351) 22.2 Selenium level in the Environment and in the Elderly’s Body (352) 22.3 Selenium and Cognitive Function of the Elderly (354) 22.4 Selenium and Hypertension (359) 22.5 Selenium and Dyslipidemia (360) 22.6 Selenium and Diabetes (362) 22.7 Conclusion (363) Part 4 Healthy Aging Related Policy Analyses Chapter 23 Demand and Supply of Long-term Care among Elderly in Rural Areas of China and Policy Implications (367) 23.1 Introduction (367) 23.2 Demand of Long-term Care Among Elderly in Rural Areas (368) 23.3 Supply of Long-term Care Among Elderly in Rural Areas (370) 23.4 The Impacts of Social Pension System on Care for the Elderly: Would Social Pension Insurance Crowd out Care from Children (373) 23.5 Conclusion: Policy Recommendations (374) Chapter 24 Impacts of Childhood Socioeconomic Status on Health of Chinese and Elderly, Policy Implications (376) 24.1 Introduction (376) 24.2 Literature Review (377) 24.3 Variables and Research Method (379) 24.4 Analysis of the Results (383) 24.5 Conclusion: Policy Recommendation (387) Chapter 25 Pattern of Old-age Care in Rural China—Lessons Learned from Fieldworks in the Villages (389) 25.1 Introduction (389) 25.2 Research Location and Objects (390) 25.3 Data and Methods (391) 25.4 Research Results (392) 25.5 Conclusion: Policy Recommendations (399) Chapter 26 Welfare Implications of Intergenerational Co-residence: Mutual Benefits for the Elderly and Their Children (402) 26.1 Introduction (402) 26.2 The Impact of Intergenerational Co-residence on Health Among the Elderly: Mental Consolation is More than Physical Caregiving (405) 26.3 The Impact of Intergenerational Co-residence on the Female Labor Force Participation: Elderly are Treasures in the Family (406) 26.4 Conclusion: Policy Recommendation About “Bring the Family Back” (407) Chapter 27 Implementing the “Universal Two-child Policy” Is Largely Beneficial for Facing the Serious Challenges of Population Aging (410) 27.1 Introduction (410) 27.2 The Estimation and Assumptions of Parameters for the Multistate Family Households Projections Under Different Scenarios of Fertility Policies (412) 27.3 “Universal Two-child Policy” Is Much Better Than “Allowing Two Children if One or Both of the Parents Are the Only Child” in Terms of Dealing with the Serious Challenges of Population Aging (413) 27.4 “Universal Two-child Policy” Is Much Better Than “Allowing Two Children if One or Both of the Parents Are the Only Child” in the Other Aspects (418) 27.5 Policy Recommendations: Urge for the Full Implementation of “Universal Two-child Policy” and Two Other Important Strategies to Face the Serious Challenges of Population Aging (421) Chapter 28 Integrate Administrations of Health, Family Planning, and Population Aging, to Promote Well-being of Billions Families (423) 28.1 Introduction (423) 28.2 The Trend of Household Miniaturization and Structural Change (426) 28.3 The Impacts of Household Miniaturization on Population Aging, Energy Consumption and Sustainable Development (428) 28.4 Policy Recommendations: Urge for the Integration of Health, Family Planning and Population Aging Administrations (430) Closing Remarks: Further Study Prospects (433) Bibliography (437) Appendix 1 Data Quality Assessment of the 6th and 7th Waves CLHLS (478) Appendix 2 Summary Notes of the Domestic Seminars and Training Workshops: 2012~2017 (494) Appendix 3 Summary Notes of the International Seminars: 2012~2017 (497) Index (500)