Chapter 1 Basic Skills of Engineering Drawing
1.1 Drawing Instruments
1.2 Provisions of Chinese National Standard of Technology Drawing
1.3 Geomertic Construcitons
Chapter 2 Points,Lines and Planges
2.1 The Baic Theory of Projection
2.2 Principal Proection Planes
2.3 Projections of a Point
2.4 Views of a Line
2.5 Views of a Plane
Chpater 3 Projections of an Object
3.1 Projections of a Polyhedron
3.2 Projections of a Revolution
Chpater 4 Surface Intersections
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Intersections of Planes and Polyhedrons
4.3 Intersections of Planes and Revolutions
4.4 Intersections Between Two Revolutions
Chapter 5 Three Views and Dimensions of a Composite Object
5.1 Three Views of an Object
5.2 Drawing of Three Views of a Composite Object
5.3 Dimensioning
5.4 Reading Views
Chpater 6 Views
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Principal Views
Chpater 7 Sectional Views
Chpater 8 Threads and Thread Fasteners
Chpater 9 Detail Drawing
Chpater 10 Introduction to an Assembly Drawing