中国铁路总公司企业标准(Q/CR 9221-2015):铁路给水排水施工技术规程(英文版)
定 价:700 元
- 作者:中国铁路总公司 编
- 出版时间:2016/4/1
- ISBN:9787113214159
- 出 版 社:中国铁道出版社
- 中图法分类:U216.41-65
- 页码:99
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:16开
This specification is formulated to unify technical requirements for the construction of railway water supply and sewerage works, strengthen construction technology management and ensure construction quality.
This specification is applicable to the water supply and sewerage works of new railways or renovated railways.
Construction of railway water supply and sewerage works shall comply with national laws, regulations and relevant technical standards, and strictly conform to design documents. In the construction of railway water supply and sewerage works, the management system, personnel allocation, field management and process control, etc., shall be standardized, so as to achieve such construction targets as quality, safety, construction schedule, investment benefit, environmental protection and technical innovation.
Mechanization, member prefabrication in plant, professionalization and informatization shall be actively promoted in the construction of railway water supply and sewerage works.
The HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) management level shall be raised in the construction 9f railway water supply and sewerage works.
If cultural relics protection organizations are involved, the railway water supply and sewerage works shall be constructed on the basis of relevant regulations and protection measures specified in design.
In the construction of railway water supply and sewerage works, risk management shall be properly conducted in consideration of the actual site conditions and by means of risk planning, risk identification, risk evaluation, risk assessment and risk control, and specific construction schemes and emergency plans shall be established.
Construction of railway water supply and sewerage works shall comply with relevant national laws, regulations and technical standards on resource saving, energy saving and emission reduction, and the technical measures for energy saving and emission reduction shall be formulated and implemented, taking into account engineering characteristics and construction environment.
In the construction of railway water supply and sewerage works, the construction personnel shall receive training and pass examination before assuming the post.
During railway construction9 relevant data shall be collected and sorted out in time, which shall be complete, real and accurate, and the archiving and management of the data shall be well performed in accordance with relevant requirements,
Main equipment and materials used for the construction of railway water supply and sewerage works shall comply with relevant current national standards, industrial standards, and the standards of China Railway Corporation
The railway construction clearance shall not be intruded by the installation of the trackside equipment of the railway water supply and sewerage works.
According to the requirements of establishing the standard system for the construction of railways by China Railway Corporation, this specification is prepared on the basis of revising Technical Guide for Construction oilway Water Supply and Sewerage Works(TZ 209-2009) (Jing Gui Biao Zhun [2009] No. 73)(hereinafter called the \"Guide\").
With reference to relevant current national standards, industry standards, and standards of China Railway Corporation, this specification was complied by adjusting the relevant provisions of the Guide inconsistent with the characteristics and requirements of railway construction projects of China Railway Corporation, absorbing the practical experience of China Railway Corporation in the construction and operation of high-speed railway signaling projects, and making revisions with reference to the partial amendments to the relevant standards during their dynamic management in order to provide technical support for the quality and safety of railway construction of China Railway Corporation
This specification comprises 9 chapters: General Provisions, Construction Preparations, Tube Well, Large Diameter Well, Joint Well, Radial Well and Water Collecting Well, Structure for Surface Water Intaking, lnstallation of Special Devices, Pipelines, Structures for Water Storage and Distribution, Water Treatment. Seven appendices are providect In this specification, regulations related to sewage discharging unit, installation of vacuum machine sets, laying of vacuum sewage discharging pipelines, etc. are added, regulations related to installation of submersible pumps for wells, hydro-pressure tests and testing methods for plastic pipes or compound pipes, safety morutoring for foundation pit excavation and stability monitoring in full water test of water towers are supplemented; regulations related to the installation of manhole covers on platforms or passenger routes are improvect All relevant organizations are kindly requested to sum up experience and accumulate related data during the implementation of this specification. ln case of any necessary revision or supplement, please send your suggestions and related data to China Railway No.4 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (No. 96, Wangjiangdong Road, Hefei, Anhui Province, 230023) or Shanghai Civil Engineering Co., Ltd. of CREC ( No. 278, Jiangchangsan Road, Zhabei District, Shanghai, 200436), and send copy to China Railway Econonuc and Plamung Research Institute (No. 29B, Beifengwo Road9 Haidian District, Beijing9100038) for reference in future revisions.
1 General Provisions
2 ConstructionPreparations N
2.1 GeneralRequirements N
2.2 Construction Investigation
2.3 Practical Construction Program
2.4 ConstructionSurveying
2.5 CommencementofWorks
2.6 Labor Safety and Labor Health
3 Tube Well
3.1 GeneralRequirements
3.2 Preparation and Processing of Materials for Tube Well
3.3 TubeWelIDrilling
3.4 Installation of Well Tubes
3.5 Gravel Filling for Tube Well and Tube Outside Sealing
3.6 Flushing of Tube Well,Water Pumping Test and Water Quality Test
4 Large Diameter Well,Joint Well,Radial Well and Water Collecting Well
4.1 GeneralRequirements
4.2 WellShaftConstruction
4.3 Shaft Bottom Construction
4.4 Radial Pipe and Water Collecting Pipe
5 Structure for Surface Water Intaking
5.1 GeneralRequirements
5.2 Cofferdam
5.3 WaterIntakingHead
5.4 Aqueduct
5.5 Pump Well
5.6 Water Intaking by Floating Pontoon
6 Installation of SpecialDevices
6.1 GeneralRequirements
6.2 CentrifugalPump
6.3 SubmersiblePump
6.4 Installation of Sewage Discharging Unit and Vacuum Machine Set
6.5 Connection of Water Pump Pipeline
7 Pipelines
7.1 GeneralRequirements
7.2 TubularProduct
7.3 Pipe Trench and Pipe Base
7.4 Pipeline Installation and Laying
7.5 Pipe Trench Backfill
7.6 Pipeline Jacking Construction
7.7 Horizontal Directional Drilling
7.8 Laying of Vacuum Sewage Discharging Pipelines
7.9 Construction of Ancillary Facilities of Pipeline
7.10 Pipeline Test,Flushing and Disinfection
8 Structures for Water Storage and Distribution
8.1 General Requirements
8.2 Foundation Pit Excavation and Ground Treatment
8.3 Pool
8.4 Water Tower
8.5 Pump House
9 WaterTreatment
9.1 General Requirements
9.2 Equipment Installation
9.3 Anti-corrosion Works
Appendix A Air-tight Test for Vacuum Sewage Discharging Pipeline
Appendix B Functional Test for Vacuum Sewage Discharging System
Appendix C Inspection Record for Hydro-pressure Test of Pipeline
Appendix D Inspection Record for Pipe Water Closing Test
Appendix E Pipe Air Pressure Test
Appendix F Full Water Test of Pool
Appendix G Minimum Overlapping Length of Longitudinal Tensioned Bar
Explanation of Wording in this Specification