适读人群 :教师,职场人士,一般读者 禅的历史是人对人、生命对生命、心对心的传承史,把这一超过了语言文字的智慧传承的历程梳理叙述出来,是很具挑战的。顾毓琇先生的这本《禅史》很好地完成了这一任务。他立足于世界文化的大语境,在充分占有中西古今相关资料的基础上如数家珍,娓娓道来。除了学术的严谨之外,书中也时时流露出他对禅独到的体悟。这不禁让我们猜测:顾老一生贯通文理跨越中西的杰出成就也许得益于禅的智慧?!
——明海法师,中国佛教协会副会长 、柏林禅寺住持
——杨义, 中国社科院学部委员,中国社科院文学研究所前所长、中国鲁迅研究会会长
INTRODUCTIONIn 1976, the author published (in Chinese) History of Chinese Zen Masters with eight charts on thedharma lineages. In 1977, the author published (in Chinese) History of Japanese Zen Masters withtwenty-eight lineage charts. In the present volume, most of the basic materials are taken from thetwo previous volumes. However, in rendering certain passages from Chinese into English, it is deemeddesirable to utilize many excellent translations that are already available to the English-readingpublic. Although it is possible to give all personal names in English either according to theChinese pronunciation or to the Japanese pronunciation, in the main text the Japanese pronunciationis preferred for the reason that many English-reading readers are already familiar with the Japanesepronunciation from recent books on Zen.This volume is divided into two parts: each part has eight chapters. Part I is concerned with“History of Zen in China.” Chapter 1 tells the brief story from Daruma the First Patriarch toGunin the Fifth Patriarch. Chapter 2 is concerned with Enō the Sixth Patriarch and his disciples.From the First Patriarch to the Sixth Patriarch, Zen School had a single line of transmission. AfterEnō, it must be pointed out that Zen lineage did not limit itself to a single line of transmission.As was well known, Enō had at least five prominent dharma-heirs, which included Shen-hui (Jinne),with an Imperial-designated title of the Seventh Patriarch.The two famous branches—Nangaku branch and Seigen branch—are the headings of Chapters 3 and 6,respectively. Both branches flourished from their second-generation masters to the present day.Nangaku’s dharma-heir was Baso (Matsu), and Seigen’s dharma-heir was Sekitō (Shih-tou), whose bodywas recently enshrined at Sōji-ji, Tsurumi, near Yokohama, Japan.In Chapter 3, the Igyō School, founded by Isan and Kyōzan, was included. Chapter 4 is concerned withthe Rinzai School (in China). Both the Igyō School and the Rinzai School belo
Chapter 1 From Daruma to Gunin
壹 从初祖达摩到弘忍
Chapter 2 The Sixth Patriarch and His Disciples
贰 六祖及其众弟子
Chapter 3 The Nangaku Branch and the Igy School
叁 南岳系和沩仰宗
Chapter 4 The Rinzai School
肆 临济宗
Chapter 5 The ry and Ygi Sects
伍 黄龙和杨岐两宗派
Chapter 6 The Seigen Branch
陆 青原系
Chapter 7 The St School
柒 曹洞宗
Chapter 8 The Ummon School and the Hgen School
捌 云门宗和法眼宗
List of Charts