Chapter 1 Basic Properties of Building Materials
1.1 Building materials
1.1.1 Composition and properties
1.1.2 Structure and properties
1.1 ,3 Parameters of strutural characteristics
1.2 Physical properties of materials
1.2.1 Hydrophilic nature and hydrophobic nature
1.2.2 Hygroscopicity and water absorption
1,2.3 Water resistance
1.3 Mechanical properties of materials
1.3.1 Elastic deformation
1.3.2 Plastic deformation
1.3.3 Brittleness and toughness of materials
1.3.4 Hardness and wear resistance of materials
Chapter 2 Properties of Aggregates
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Standard
2.1.2 Purposes of the experiment
2.1.3 Sampling and division
2.2 Density of limestone powder
2.2.1 Purposes of the experiment
2.2.2 Apparatus for the experiment
2.2.3 Sample preparation
2.2.4 Procedure for the experiment
2.2.5 Processing of results and evaluation
2.2.6 Notices
2.3 Sieving analysis for sand
2.3.1 Apparatus for the experiment
2.3.2 Sample preparation
2.3.3 Procedure for the experiment
2.3.4 Results of the process and evaluation
2.4 Apparent density of sand
2.4.1 Apparatus for the experiment
2.4.2 Sample preparation
2.4.3 Procedure for the experiment
2.4.4 Processing of results and evaluation
2.5 Bulk density of sand
2.5.1 Apparatus for the experiment
2.5.2 Sample preparation
2.5.3 Procedure for the experiment
2.5.4 Processing of results and evaluation
2.6 Water content of sand
2.6.1 Apparatus for the experiment
2.6.2 Procedure for the experiment
2.6.3 Processing of results and evaluation
2.7 Sieving analysis of gravel
2.7.1 Apparatus for the experiment
2.7.2 Sample preparation
2.7.3 Procedure for the experiment
2.7.4 Processing of results and evaluation