定 价:85 元
- 作者:萨比纳·德·克诺普,弗兰克·博尔斯,安东·德·瑞克尔 编
- 出版时间:2018/5/1
- ISBN:9787544644259
- 出 版 社:上海外语教育出版社
- 中图法分类:H09
- 页码:388
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:16开
The volume assesses and supplements Cognitive Linguistics (CL) proposals for instructed second language acquisition. CL research can help identify language elements that merit explicit teaching. The effectiveness of CL-inspired additions to the currently available armoury of teaching methods is put to the test in classroom experiments.
List of contributors
Fostering language teaching efficiency through cognitive
linguistics: Introduction
Frank Boers, Antoon De Rycker and Sabine De Knop
Part Ⅰ
The importance of usage-based language acquisition, but why
it may not suffice in contexts of second language learning
Language in the mind
John R. Taylor
Phrasal verbs in EFL course books
Rafael Alejo Gonzdlez, Ana Piquer Ptriz and Guadalupe
Reveriego Sierra
Basic-level salience in second language
vocabulary acquisition
Xiaoyan Xia and Hans-Georg Wolf
Does 'chunking' foster chunk-uptake?
Helene Stengers, Frank Boers, Alex Housen and June Eyekmans
Part Ⅱ
How Cognitive Linguistics can inform decisions about
what to teach
Having many meanings: A corpus study of Spanish EFL
writers' construals with have
JoAnne Neff-van Aertselaer and Caroline Bunce
Seven events in three languages: Culture-specific
conceptualizations and their implications for FLT
Zhuo Jing-Sehmidt
Canonicity and variation in idiomatic expressions:
Evidence from business press headlines
Honesto Herrera and Michael White
The use of metaphor and metonymy in academic and
professional discourse and their challenges for learners
and teachers of English
Jeannette Littlemore, Phyllis Chen, Polly Liyen Tang,
Almut Koester and John Barnden
Argument constructions and language processing: Evidence
from a priming experiment and pedagogical implications
David Eddington and Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza
Choosing motivated chunks for teaching
Frank Boers, Julie Deconinck and Seth Lindstromberg
Part Ⅲ
How Cognitive Linguisics can inform decisions about
how to teach
Fostering the acquisition of English prepositions by
Japanese learners with networks and prototypes
Kanako Cho
A prototype approach to auxiliary selection in the
Italian passato prossimo
Phillip Hamriek and Salvatore Attardo
Obstacles to CM-guided L2 idiom interpretation
Ying-Hsueh Hu and Yu-Ying Fong
Corpus-informed integration of metaphor in materials
for the business English classroom
Constanze Juchem-Grundmann and Tina Krennmayr
Improving word learn-ability with lexical
decomposition strategies
Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer
Cognitive theory as a tool for teaching second language
Helen Fraser
Subject index