This book is a collection of lecture notes for the LIASFMA Hangzhou Autumn School on \"Control and Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations\" which was held during October 17-22, 2016 at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.This autumn school is one of the activities organized by Sino-French International Associate Laboratory in Applied Mathematics (LIASFMA). Established jointly by eight institutions in China and France in 2014, LIASFMA aims at providing a platform for many leading French and Chinese mathematicians to conduct in-depth researches, extensive exchanges, and student training in broad areas of applied mathematics.
One goal of the autumn school was to introduce to over 100 graduate students the basic concepts and some of the recent developments on control and inverse problems for partial differential equations which are two closely related fast growing and important areas of applied mathematics. Another goal was to promote collaborative research efforts between researchers in control theory and inverse problems. During the autumn school, four 9-hour mini-courses were first delivered on theoretical and numerical aspects of control theory, stochastic control, and inverse problems. The next week of the autumn school was devoted to the LIASFMA Hangzhou Autumn School Workshop on \"Control and Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations\" (during October 24-28, 2016), in which 27 speakers over the world presented their recent research results on control and inverse problems. The students were exposed not only to the basic theories and methods but also to the forefront research directions of both fields. The autumn school provided the students with a unique and valuable opportunity to learn from and communicate with leading experts in control and inverse problems.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of the autumn school lecturers: Sylvain Ervedoza (Universite Paul Sabatier, France), Jean-Pierre Puel (Universitede Versailles Saint-Quentin, France), Gunther Uhlmann (University of Washington, United States), and Xu Zhang (Sichuan University, China). Our thanks also go to Chuanhou Gao and Xiang Xu for serving as the local coordinators of the autumn school, and for their tireless efforts during the school, and to Ms. Chunlian Zhou for her efficient work in editing this volume. We are also grateful to National Natural Science Foundation of China and School of Mathematical Sciences of Zhejiang University for the financial support.