生物多样性与能源电力革命(英文版): Biodiversity and Revolution of Energy and "本书是《生物多样性与能源电力革命》的英文版。 本书聚焦全球生物多样性保护,共分7章。*1章阐述生物多样性对促进经济社会发展、构建地球生命共同体、实现世界可持续发展和影响人类文明兴衰的重大意义。*2章梳理全球生物多样性危机现状,回顾全球生物多样性保护的历史沿革和进展情况,分析面临的严峻挑战。第3章剖析全球生物多样性危机的驱动因素,从栖息地破坏、过度消耗生物资源、气候变化、环境污染、生物入侵影响等五个方面分析全球生物多样性破坏的原因,展望未来发展趋势。第4章全面阐述不合理能源开发和利用对全球生物多样性带来的危害。第5章论述能源转型对促进生物多样性的重要作用,提出以全球能源互联网推动能源转型、生物多样性保护的发展思想、理论架构和实施路径,从4个方面、9个维度阐述全球能源互联网对保护全球生物多样性的作用和贡献。第6章结合各大洲、各行业情况,提出全球能源互联网促进生物多样性的四大行动以及十四项举措,为生物多样性保护提供覆盖全球和相关重点领域的系统解决方案。第7章论述全球能源互联网促进生物多样性的前景,提出加强统筹规划、技术创新、国际合作、政策支持、资金保证、能力建设等六大倡议。" 提出了以全球能源互联网推动能源绿色低碳转型、保护生物多样性的新思路和新方案,给出了各大洲、各行业行动路线图,为推动世界能源转型、促进生物多样性保护提供可操作、可实施、可复制的一揽子解决方案,为联合国、各国政府制定政策和规划,推动能源转型、可持续发展、生物多样性保护提供参考,为相关企业和机构参与相关课题研究和项目建设提供借鉴,兼顾科普性、通识性以及专业性,满足不同读者的信息获取需求。 Biodiversity provides an important foundation for the survival and development of the human race. It not only affects the well-being of humanity and future generations, but also has a key bearing on the sustainability of global development, and potentially even the rise and fall of civilization. Since the dawn of industrial civilization, mankind has created massive material wealth. But this has come at the cost of intensified exploitation of natural resources, which has disrupted the balance of the earths ecosystems, giving rise to ecological crises manifesting in terms of biodiversity loss and environmental damage. Now, on the brink of the sixth mass extinction, with the global rate of species extinction accelerating, severe ecosystem degradation and loss of biodiversity pose major threats to human survival and development. 略 Foreword 1 The Significance of Biodiversity001 1.1 The Meaning of Biodiversity002 1.2 Biodiversity as an Essential Basis for Economic and Social Development004 1.3 Biodiversity as a Solid Basis for Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth010 1.3.1 Biodiversity Provides a Favorable Environment for the Harmonious Coexistence of Organisms010 1.3.2 Biodiversity Provides Necessary Conditions for the Reproduction and Evolution of Species013 1.3.3 Biodiversity Provides a Fundamental Guarantee for the Stability of Ecosystems014 1.4 Biodiversity as a Major Pillar for Sustainable World Development016 1.5 Biodiversity as a Key Factor Affecting the Rise and Fall of Human Civilization020 2 Biodiversity: Current Status and Challenges023 2.1 Current Status of Biodiversity024 2.1.1 Loss of Species Diversity024 2.1.2 Deterioration of Ecosystem Diversity029 2.1.3 Loss of Genetic Diversity033 2.2 United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity035 2.2.1 Evolution of Biodiversity Conservation035 2.2.2 Implementation of Convention on Biological Diversity036 2.3 Main Challenges038 3 Major Drivers of the Biodiversity Crisis043 3.1 Habitat Loss045 3.1.1 Forest Destruction046 3.1.2 Grasslands Destruction048 3.1.3 Destruction of Freshwater Habitats050 3.1.4 Destruction of Marine Habitats051 3.2 Excessive Consumption of Biological Resources052 3.2.1 Excessive Consumption for Energy Use052 3.2.2 Excessive Consumption for Food054 3.2.3 Excessive Consumption for Medicinal Use054 3.2.4 Excessive Consumption for Clothes Making055 3.2.5 Excessive Consumption for Handicraft Use056 3.3 Climate Change056 3.3.1 Temperature Increases057 3.3.2 Ocean Acidification058 3.3.3 Glacier Melting058 3.3.4 Extremely Severe Disasters059 3.4 Environmental Pollution060 3.4.1 Air Pollution061 3.4.2 Freshwater Pollution061 3.4.3 Soil Pollution062 3.4.4 Marine Pollution062 3.5 Invasive Alien Species063 3.5.1 Unintentional Human Introduction of Alien Species064 3.5.2 Deliberate Human Introduction of Alien Species065 3.5.3 Invasion of Alien Species Indirectly Triggered by Climate Change066 3.5.4 Invasion of Genetically Modified Organisms067 3.6 Climate Change Is Increasingly Becoming the Overall Driver of the Biodiversity Crisis067 4 Unsustainable Energy Development: an Important Cause of the Biodiversity Crisis069 4.1 Exacerbation of Climate Change071 4.1.1 Significant Amounts of CO2 Produced by Fossil Fuel Combustion071 4.1.2 Large Amounts of Methane Are Produced during Fossil Fuel Production and Utilization073 4.2 Environmental Pollution073 4.2.1 Fresh Water and Soil Pollution due to Fossil Fuel Production073 4.2.2 Oil and Thermal Pollution Threatens Marine Ecological Security076 4.2.3 Air Pollution Caused by Fossil Fuel Combustion078 4.3 Habitat Loss081 4.3.1 Exploitation of Fossil Energy Intensifies Water and Soil Erosion in Mining Areas081 4.3.2 Exploitation of Fossil Energy Leads to Habitat Fragmentation083 4.3.3 Fossil Energy Exploitation and Use Consumes Significant Water Resources084 4.4 Excessive Biological Resource Consumption085 4.4.1 Biomass Energy Development and Usage Causes Excessive Forest Resource Consumption085 4.4.2 Limited Electricity Access Leads to Tremendous Food Waste086 4.5 Increasing Risk of Biological Invasion086 4.6 Prioritizing Fossil Energy Development Seriously Threatens Biodiversity088 5 Promoting Biodiversity Protection through the Energy and Electric Power Revolution089 5.1 Accelerated Energy and Electric Power Revolution Necessary to Achieve Biodiversity Goals090 5.1.1 Biodiversity Protection Creates an Urgent Need for Green, Low-Carbon Energy Development090 5.1.2 Directions of Energy and Electric Power Transition091 5.1.3 Energy and Electric Power Transition Tasks093 5.2 GEI Construction Is Core to the Energy and Electric Power Revolution096 5.2.1 The Essence of GEI096 5.2.2 GEI Promotes the Energy and Electric Power Revolution101 5.2.3 Development Roadmap for GEI105 5.3 Building GEI Offers a Systematic Solution for Biodiversity Protection111 5.3.1 Radically Addressing Climate Change112 5.3.2 Fully Controlling Environmental Pollution115 5.3.3 Dramatically Reducing Habitat Loss120 5.3.4 Effectively Promoting the Sustainable Use of Biological Resources127 5.3.5 Vigorously Promoting Ecological Restoration130 6 Plan and Roadmap for Promoting Biodiversity Conservation Based on GEI135 6.1Plan for Promoting GEI-based Climate Governance136 6.1.1Accelerate Reduction of Emissions during Energy Production137 6.1.2Accelerate Emissions Reduction during Energy Consumption151 6.1.3Actively Implement Negative Emissions Measures156 6.2Plans for Promotion of Environmental Governance Based on GEI157 6.2.1Accelerating the Phasing out of Fossil Fuels158 6.2.2Advocate Green Energy Use163 6.2.3Promote Clean Treatment of Pollutants167 6.3Plans for Habitat Protection Based on GEI168 6.3.1Accelerate the Development of High-Efficiency Ecological Agriculture168 6.3.2Accelerate Energy, Transportation and Information Networks (ETI) Integration169 6.3.3Accelerate Micro-Grid on Islands174 6.4Plans for Promoting Sustainable Use of Biological Resources Based on GEI175 6.4.1Replace Firewood with Electricity to Reduce Deforestation175 6.4.2Reduce Food Waste via Electric Refrigeration176 6.4.3Reduce Consumption of Biological Resources via Electrosynthesis of Raw Materials177 6.4.4Promote Ecological Poverty Alleviation via Upgrading the Industrial Chain177 6.5Plans for Promoting Ecological Restoration and Emergency Protection Based on GEI178 6.5.1Accelerate the Application of Electricity-Water-Land-Forest178 6.5.2Promote Dynamic Biodiversity Monitoring Systems179 6.5.3Improve Wildlife Emergency Protection Capabilities180 6.6Innovation Plan for Key Biodiversity Promotion Technology Based on GEI183 6.6.1Accelerate Technological Innovation in Clean Power Generation183 6.6.2Accelerate Innovation in Clean Power Distribution185 6.6.3Speed up Technological Innovation in Electricity Replacement186 6.6.4Accelerate Technological Innovation in Electrosynthesis of Fuels and Raw Materials188 6.6.5Accelerate innovation in CCUS technology189 6.7GEI Provides an Excellent Tool for Promotion of Biodiversity Protection191 7 Supporting Mechanisms and Outlook193 7.1Key Mechanisms for Biodiversity Conservation via GEI194 7.1.1Planning and Coordination Mechanism195 7.1.2Policy Support Mechanism195 7.1.3Financial Investment Mechanism196 7.1.4International Cooperation Mechanism196 7.1.5Capacity Building Mechanism197 7.2Future Outlook and Proposals198"