《电磁学:问题与解法(英文)》的作者有两位。一位是:卡罗来纳·C.伊利耶(Carolina C.Ilie),她是纽约州立大学奥斯威戈分校的教授,教授电磁理论近十年,她为学生的考试、小组作业和测验设计了各种问题,并且在过去的两年里,她撰写了有关电磁学和电动力学的两《电磁学:问题与解法(英文)》。伊利耶博士获得了内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的物理学和天文学博士学位,俄亥俄州立大学的物理学硕士学位以及罗马尼亚的布加勒斯特大学的物理学硕士学位,她在2013年获得了学术和创新活动的普罗沃特奖,并在2016年获得了总统教学奖,她与她的丈夫(也是物理学家)和他们的两个儿子一起生活在纽约中部。
另一位是:撒迦利亚·S.施雷森戈斯特(Zachariah S.Schrecengost),一名纽约州立大学的毕业生,他毕业于物理、软件工程和应用数学专业,并获得了学士学位,他上过伊利耶博士的高级电磁理论课程,并且热爱参与这个项目。他为该项目带来了学生学习电动力学的崭新视角,以及一位电动力学和高级数学爱好者的热情和才华,施雷森戈斯特先生曾在锡拉丘兹担任软件工程师,目前正在攻读物理学博士学位,
《电磁学:问题与解法(英文)》的插图画家为茱莉亚·R.D'罗萨路(Julia R.D'Rozario)。她于2016年12月毕业于纽约州立大学奥斯威戈分校,在那里获得了物理学学士学位和电影与屏幕研究文学学士学位,并于2016年5月完成了天文学的辅修课程。她上过伊利耶博士的高级电磁理论课程,并在电影界拥有丰富的艺术经验,D'罗萨路女士拥有电子动力学方面的知识以及使用Inkscape软件进行绘图的才能,她未来的目标是读研究生,并继续将她对物理学和电影的热情结合在一起。
We wrote this book of problems and solutions having in mind the undergraduate student-sophomore, junior, or senior-who may want to work on more problems and receive immediate feedback while studying. The authors strongly recommend the textbook by David J Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, as a first source manual, since it is recognized as one of the best books on electrodynamics at the undergraduate level. We consider this book of problems and solutions a companion volume for the student who would like to work on more electrostatic problems by herself/himself in order to deepen their understanding and problems solving skills. We add brief theoretical notes and formulae; for a complete theoretical approach we suggest Griffiths' book. Every chapter is organized as follows: brief theoretical notes followed by the problem text with the solution. Each chapter ends with a brief bibliography.
We plan to write a second volume on electrodynamics, which will start with Maxwell's equations and the conservation laws, and then discuss electromagnetic (EM) waves, potentials and fields, radiation, and relativistic electrodynamics.
Carolina C Ilie, an Associate Professor with tenure at the-State University of New York at Oswego. She taught Electromagnetic Theory for almost ten years and designed various problems for her students' exams, group work, and quizzes. Dr Ilie obtained her PhD in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, an MSc in Physics at Ohio State University and another MSc in Physics at the University of Bucharest, Romania. She received the President's Award for Teaching Excellence in 2016 and the Provost Award for Mentoring in Scholarly and Creative Activity in 2013. She lives in Central New York with her spouse, also a physicist, and their two sons.
Photograph courtesy of James Russell/SUNY Oswego Office of Communications and Marketing.
Zachariah S Schrecengost, a State University of New York alumnus. He graduated summa cum laude with a BS degree having completed majors in Physics, Software Engineering, and Applied Mathematics. He took the Advanced Electromagnetic Theory course with Dr Ilie and was thrilled to be involved in creating this book. He brings to the project both the fresh perspective of the student taking electrodynamics, as well as the enthusiasm and talent of an alumnus who is an electrodynamics and upper level mathematics aficionado. Mr Schrecengost works as a software engineer in Syracuse and is preparing to begin his graduate school studies in physics.