《自言自语·开口说英语》是“自言自语——自信交流英语口语系列”的第二分册。根据本系列的编写要求,本分册所选材料注重简单易懂性和趣味性,题材主要包括幽默笑话、逸闻趣事和个人经历,并适当编选了一些人物介绍方面的文章(包括自我介绍和对他人的介绍)。这些材料旨在让学习者以一种轻松愉悦的心情阅读、理解,然后用自言自语的方式将所读到的内容陈述出来。 本书可配合本系列的《大声读英语》使用,这样既可以通过朗读来训练语音、语调,培养语感,又可以用“自言自语法”展开口语练习,从而实现真正的口语交际。 本书的使用对象为具有高中及以上英语水平的在校学生和社会在职人士,以及准备参加各种英语口}式(包括高考英语口试、四六级英语口语考试、研究生入学英语口试、雅思、托福等)的考生。
Lesson 1 Zoo Job
Lesson 2 Where Do Pets Come From?
Lesson 3 Who Owns the Cows?
Lesson 4 How Are You Feeling?
Lesson 5 A Scientist
Lesson 6 Baked Beans
Lesson 7 Johnny the Explorer
Lesson 8 Honk If You Love Jesus
Lesson 9 Homework
Lesson 10 About Myself
Lesson 11 The Happy Shoemaker
Lesson 12 Mexican Fisherman
Lesson 13 The Rabbit from a Laboratory
Lesson 14 Quit Fighting
Lesson 15 A Writer
Lesson 16 Eliza and Athena
Lesson 17 Dads Blessings
Lesson 18 The Worst Scare of My Life
Lesson 19 The Monkey King
Lesson 20 A Pop Star
Key to Note Taking in Step 2
so to yourself. Retell the story to yourself, using the notes above as aclue. Pay attention to the following points:
Dont just murmur; speak out loud instead.
Suppose you are telling the story to a friend, so use body
language to make you better understood,
Dont read the notes, but talk over them, just like you are
delivering a speech based on an outline. [A Model]
This is a story about a mime. He is out of work so he goes to thezoo and wants to earn some money as a street performer. Then a zookeeper comes to him, He would like to offer him a job to dress up as agorilla. Of course the mime is very glad.
The next morning the mime puts on the gorilla suit and entersthe cage. He is very successful because he has drawn a big crowd. Hesleeps, plays and makes fun of people.
But as time passes by, the crowds get tired of him, and they aremore interesting in the lion in the cage nearby. The mime doesnt want to. lose his audience, so he climbs to the top of his cage, crawls across a partition, and dangles from the top to the lions cage. He keeps taunting the lion. Of course the lion gets very angry. The crowds grow larger, and his salary keeps going up.
Then one day, a terrible thing happens. When the mime is dangling over the lion he slips and falls. The lion gathers itself and prepares to pounce. He is so scared that he begins to run round and round the cage. He starts screaming and yelling, "Help me, help me!" Finally, the lion gets him. The lion can also speak. He says, "Shut up you idiot! Do you want to get us both fired?"
You know what? The lion is also dressed up by a human!