0.1Position and Function of Physics Experiment Course
0.2Intent and Motive of College Physics Experiment Course
0.3Basic Requirements of College Physics Experiment Course
0.4Procedures of College Physics Experiment Course
Chapter 1Error Theory and its Application
1.1Basic Concepts of Measurement and Error
1.2Estimation of Measuring Error
1.3Significant Figures and Their Algorithm
1.4Data Processing
Chapter 2Basic Measurement Methods in Physical Experiments
2.6Non-electrical Measurement
Chapter 3Basic Experiments
3.1Collision Experiment
3.2Measurement of the Moment of Inertia of a Rigid Body
3.3Measurement of Youngs Modulus
3.4Measurement of Sound Velocity
3.5Measurement of the Viscosity Coefficient of liquid
3.6Measurement of Surface Tension Coefficient of Liquid
3.7Determination of Air Specific Heat Ratio
3.8Mapping of Electrostatic Field by the Imitative Method
3.9Measurement of Resistance by Wheatstone Bridge
3.10Measurement of Solenoidal Magnetic Field by Hall Effect Method
3.11Determination of Focal Length of the Thin Lens
3.12Experiment of Equal-thickness Interference
3.13Adjustment and Application of Spectrometer
3.14Standing Wave
Chapter 4Comprehensive Experiments
4.1Measurement of the Thermo-Electromotive Force and
Calibration of Thermocouple Thermometer
4.2Modification and Calibration of the Electricity Meter
4.3Basic Principle and Applications of Electronic Oscilloscope
4.4Photoelectric Effect and Determination of the Planck Constant
4.5Experimental Research on Light Polarization