本书由法国学者Dan·Sperber和英国学者Deirdre·Wilson合作完成, 第一版于1986年出版, 不仅涵盖了现代语用学的很多研究课题, 还涉及现代交际理论。修订后的第二版保留了第一版的基本内容, 第二版的两个重要变化是: 一方面, 增加了一个后记, 归纳介绍第一版后关联理论的研究与发展概貌; 另一方面, 通过增加大量注释, 对第二版的变化与修正进行了必要的说明。
Preface to Second Edition xxix
List of Symbols xxxi
1 Communication 1
1 The code model and the semiotic approach to communication 3
2 Decoding and inference in verbal comprehension 9
3 The mutual-knowledge hypothesis 15
4 Grice’s approach to ‘meaning’ and communication 21
5 Should the code model and the inferential model be amalgamated? 24
6 Problems of definition 28
7 Problems of explanation: Grice’s theory of conversation 31
8 Cognitive environments and mutual manifestness 38
9 Relevance and ostension 46
10 Ostensive-inferential communication 50
11 The informative intention 54
12 The communicative intention 60
2 Inference 65
1 Non-demonstrative inference 65
2 Logical forms, propositional attitudes and factual assumptions 71
3 Strength of assumptions 75
4 Deductive rules and concepts 83
5 The deductive device 93
6 Some types of deduction 103
7 Contextual effects: the role of deduction in non-demonstrative inference 108
3 Relevance 118
1 Conditions for relevance 118
2 Degrees of relevance: effect and effort 123
3 Is the context given or chosen? 132
4 A choice of contexts 137
5 Relevance to an individual 142
6 The relevance of phenomena and stimuli 151
7 The principle of relevance 155
8 How relevance theory explains ostensive-inferential communication 163
4 Aspects of verbal communication 172
1 Language and communication 172
2 Verbal communication, explicatures and implicatures 176
3 The identification of propositional form 183
4 The identification of implicatures 193
5 Propositional form and style: presuppositional effects 202
6 Implicatures and style: poetic effects 217
7 Descriptive and interpretive dimensions of language use 224
8 Literalness and metaphor 231
9 Echoic utterances and irony 237
10 Speech acts 243
Postface 255
Notes to First Edition 281
Notes to Second Edition 293
Notes to Postface 295
Bibliography 299
Index 321