定 价:49 元
- 作者:夏蓓洁编
- 出版时间:2023/9/1
- ISBN:9787312057113
- 出 版 社:中国科学技术大学出版社
- 中图法分类:G115
- 页码:414
- 纸张:
- 版次:1
- 开本:16开
Module One Basics of Intercultural Communication
Chapter 1 Cultural Identities in Intercultural Communication
Ⅰ. Lead-in Tasks
Ⅱ. Understanding Intercultural Communication
Ⅲ. Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC)
Ⅳ. Cultural Identities in Globalization
Ⅴ. Extended Reading
Post-class Tasks
Chapter 2 Communication and Culture
Ⅰ. Lead-in Tasks
Ⅱ. Understanding Communication
Ⅲ. Understanding Culture
Ⅳ. High-context and Low-context Cultures
Ⅴ. Extended Reading
Post-class Tasks
Chapter 3 Cultural Patterns
Ⅰ. Lead-in Tasks
Ⅱ. Understanding Values as Core of Culture
Ⅲ. Value Orientations to Compare Cultures
Ⅳ. Case Studies of Specific Cultures
Ⅴ. Extended Reading
Post-class Tasks
Module Two Cultural Differences in Intercultural Communication
Chapter 4 Verbal Communication
Ⅰ. Lead-in Tasks
Ⅱ. Understanding Language
Ⅲ. Relationship between Language and Culture
Ⅳ. Language Use in Intercultural Communication
Ⅴ. Working as Interpreters
Ⅵ. Extended Reading
Post-class Tasks
Chapter 5 Nonverbal Communication
Ⅰ. Lead-in Tasks
Ⅱ. Understanding Nonverbal Communication
Ⅲ. Nonverbal Messages in Intercultural Communication
Ⅳ. Extended Reading
Post-class Tasks
Chapter 6 English and Chinese Literature
Ⅰ. Lead-in Tasks
Ⅱ. English and Chinese Poetry
Ⅲ. English and Chinese Novels
Ⅳ. Literature Helps Cultural Fusion
Ⅴ. Extended Reading
Post-class Tasks
Module Three Intercultural Communication Practice
Chapter 7 Intercultural Etiquette
Ⅰ. Lead-in Tasks
Ⅱ. Understanding Etiquette
Ⅲ. Social Etiquette across Cultures
Ⅳ. Extended Reading
Post-class Tasks
Chapter 8 Intercultural Learning and Teaching
Ⅰ. Lead-in Tasks
Ⅱ. Culture in Education
Ⅲ. Teaching Chinese across Cultures
Ⅳ. Some Considerations
Ⅴ. Extended Reading
Post-class Tasks
Chapter 9 Working in Multicultural Business Context
Ⅰ. Lead-in Tasks
Ⅱ. Communication Factors in Multicultural Workplace
Ⅲ. Communication Barriers in Multicultural Working Context
Ⅳ. Extended Reading
Post-class Tasks
Chapter 10 Leaning to Become Intercultural Communicators
Ⅰ. Lead-in Tasks
Ⅱ. Understanding Barriers in Intercultural Communication
Ⅲ. Developing Intercultural Competence
Ⅳ. Extended Reading
Post-class Tasks