When investigating theories at the tiniest conceivable scales in Nature, almost all researchers today revert to the quantum language, accepting the verdict that we shall nickname \"the Copenhagen doctrine\" that the only way to describe what is going on will always involve states in Hilbert space, controlled by operator equations. Returning to classical, that is, non quantum mechanical, descriptions will be forever impossible, unless one accepts some extremely contrived theoretical contraptions that may or may not reproduce the quantum mechanical phenomena observed in experiments.
Dissatisfied, this author investigated how one can look at things differently. This book is an overview of older material, but also contains many new observations and calculations. Quantum mechanics is looked upon as a tool, not as a theory. Examples are displayed of models that are classical in essence, but can be analysed by the use of quantum techniques, and we argue that even the Standard Model, together with gravitational interactions, might be viewed as a quantum mechanical approach to analyse a system that could be classical at its core. We explain how such thoughts can conceivably be reconciled with Bell's theorem, and how the usual objections voiced against the notion of 'superdeterminism' can be overcome, at least in principle. Our proposal would eradicate the collapse problem and the measurement problem. Even the existence of an \"arrow of time\" can perhaps be explained in a more elegant way than usual.
杰拉德·特·胡夫特(Gerard 't Hooft)是世界闻名的理论物理学家,荷兰乌得勒支大学教授,于1999年因为\"阐明物理学中电弱相互作用的量子结构\"与其博士导师马丁纽斯·韦尔特曼(Martinus J. G. Veltman)一同获得诺贝尔物理学奖。他的研究主要集中在三个方向:基本粒子物理的规范理论,量子引力与黑洞,以及量子力学的基础。特·胡夫特被誉为是二十世纪中后期影响重大的理论物理学家之一。他是荷兰皇家人文和科学院、美国国家科学院、美国人文与科学院、法国科学院等众多科学院的院士。他还获得过沃尔夫奖、洛仑兹奖章和富兰克林奖章等重要科学奖项,并且是荷兰科技zuigao奖--斯宾诺莎奖的首位获得者。1971年发现的小行星9491以特·胡夫特命名(9491 Thooft),他还为该小行星的未来居民颁布了宪法。
Part I. The Cellular Automaton Interpretation as a General Doctrine
1. Motivation for This Work
2. Deterministic Models in Quantum Notation
3. Interpreting Quantum Mechanics
4. Deterministic Quantum Mechanics
5. Concise Description of the CA Interpretation
6. Quantum Gravity
7- Information Loss
8. More Problems
9. Alleys to be Further Investigated and Open Questions
10. Conclusions
Part II. Calculation Techniques
11. Introduction to Part II
12. More on Cogwheels
13. The Continuum Limit of Cogwheels, Harmonic Rotators and Oscillators
14. Locality
15. Fermions
16. PQ Theory
17. Models in Two Space-Time Dimensions without Interactions
18. Symmetries
19. The Discretised Hamiltonian Formalism in PQ Theory
20. Quantum Field Theory
21. The Cellular Automaton
22. The Problem of Quantum Locality
23. Conclusions of Part II
Appendix A. Some Remarks on Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions
Appendix B. A Summary of Our Views on Conformal Gravity
Appendix C. Abbreviations