发光体1号:notable artworks by Chinese artists
定 价:150 元
- 作者:Karen Smith[著]
- 出版时间:2012/7/1
- ISBN:9787510047190
- 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
- 中图法分类:J121
- 页码:235
- 纸张:
- 版次:
- 开本:24cm
Karen Smith has been writing aboutChina’s contemporary art scene since the early 1990s. She has livedin China for twenty yea during which time she has contributed tonumerous international and domestic publicatio and a wide range ofexhibition catalogues, both for individual artists and groupexhibitio. Her peonal books include several monographs on China’sleading artists, and the historical compendium Nine Lives: TheBirth of Avant-Garde Art in New China, which examines the caree ofnine founding fathe of China’s new art movement which began in1985. In her capacity as curator, Karen Smith regularly works withChina's contemporary artists to produce exhibitio in China andabroad.
AS SEEN 2011 | ForewordJIN SHAN | One Man's IslandDUAN JIANYU | The Seduction of VillageLIANG YUANWEI | Picture of Early SpringCHEN CHIEH-JEN | Empire's BordeLIU WEI | "Liu Wei"PAN HONGGANG & HU YOUCHEN | Them or Us?ZHOU YILUN | Ah!HUANG KUI | My Projection is FocusingLIU CHUANG | Untitled (The Festival)MA QIUSHA | Twilight... / All My Sharpness...WANG JIANWEI | Making do with FakesHE XIANGYU | Man on the ChaiSHI QING | Plant RepublicZHANG ENLI | WiresMADEIN COMPANY | Physique and Action of CociousnessSUN YANCHU | ObsessedZHAO YAO | I am Your NightZHANG PEILI | Certain PleasuresHE AN | I Am Curious Yellow, I Am Curious BlueZHAO GANG | A Sick ManZHUANG HUI & DAN'ER | Chinese SilkWANG WEI | Propaganda PavilionANIWAR MAMAT | Wind without RainLIU WEI | Merely a MistakeMUSEUM OF UNKNOWN | PatternSUN XUN \ TANG MAOHONG \ ZHANG DING | Huge CharacterGAO LEI | The PrincipleZHAO ZHAO | According to Zhao ZhaoLU YANG | The Anatomy of RageXIAO YU | GoWU SHANZHUAN \ INGA SVALA THORSDOTTIR | Kuo XuanZHANG DALI | World's ShadowsWANG XINGWEI | "Wang Xingwei"SONG DONG | Waiting...GAO WEIGANG | Everything isn't Gonna be AlrightYU JI | I Stand AloneSONG YUANYUAN | Examining ObjectZHAN WANG | My Peonal UniveeDING YI | Specific · AbstractedLIN TIANMIAO | The SameINDEXACKNOWLEDGEMENTS