Chapter 1 Introduction to the Medical Biology Laboratory 1.1 Objectives of a Teaching Medical Biology Laboratory 1.2 Laboratory Rules 1.3 Labora Chapter 1 Introduction to the Medical Biology Laboratory 1.1 Objectives of a Teaching Medical Biology Laboratory 1.2 Laboratory Rules 1.3 Laboratory Safety 1.4 Common Laboratory Equipments 1.5 Experimental Methods in Medical Biology 1.6 Evaluation of Experimental Data and Laboratory ReportsChapter 2 Experiments in Medical Biology Experiment 1 The Use of Glass Pipets and Pipetto Experiment 2 Amphoteric Ionization and Isoelectric PointDetermination of Protei Experiment 3 Quantitative Determination of Protein Concentratioby Coomassie Brilliant Blue Assay Experiment 4 Quantitative Determination of Protei byFolin-phenol Assay Experiment 5 Determination of Protei by UV Absorption Experiment 6 Separation of Amino Acid Mixtures by Ion-exchangeChromatography Experiment 7 Separation of Serum ?-globuli by Ion-exchangeChromatography Experiment 8 Separation of Serum Protei by Cellulose AcetateMembrane Electrophoresis Experiment 9 Separation and Purity Determination of Serum?-globuli by SDS-polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Experiment 10 Determination of Serum Glutamic-pyruvic TrauminaseActivity Experiment 11 Determination of Serum Urea Nitrogen Content Experiment 12 Determination of Blood Glucose Concentration Experiment 13 Subculture of Adhesion Cells Experiment 14 Counting and Determination of Live/Dead Cells Experiment 15 Preparation of Cell Samples for Observation ofCell Morphologies Experiment 16 Mitosis and Meiosis of Cells Experiment 17 Intracellular Distribution of Biomacronlolecules Experiment 18 Isolation of Subcellular Components Experiment 19 Preparation of Chromosome Samples from Mouse BoneMarrow Cells Experiment 20 Banding Pattern of Human Chromosomes Experiment 21 Colony Forming Efficiency and Total ProteinAnalysis of Tumor Cells Experiment 22 Isolation, Amplification and Identification of theβ-actin Gene Fragment from Mouse Liver Cells Experiment 23 Purification of Target DNA and Generation ofRecombinant DNA Experiment 24 Traformation and Screening of Recombinant DNA Experiment 25 Determination of Serum Protei Using WesternBlotting