定 价:26.8 元
- 作者:方振宇 主编
- 出版时间:2014/4/1
- ISBN:9787512415133
- 出 版 社:北京航空航天大学出版社
- 中图法分类:H319.4
- 页码:316
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:2
- 开本:32开
感恩是一种心态,一种品质,更是一种艺术;感恩是乐观,是感谢,更是爱。 方振宇等编著的《感恩的心感谢有你(附光盘亲情第2版)》一书精选365篇优秀美文,阅读这些关文可以让你感受幸福,奉献真爱,享受亲情,让你真切领悟生命的意义,感受亲情的无私。本书内容如下:第一章感谢你在那一刻呼唤我;第二章如梭岁月里的一缕清香;第三章感恩的心需要生活来滋养;第四章花开花落,我一样会感恩。
第一章 感谢你在那一刻呼唤我 论家庭 上帝创造父亲 来不及哭泣 给孩子建立基本家庭观念 家 善心可依 妈妈的小甜饼 苹果树 父爱默默 家人即笔友的益处 甜豌豆的夏天 在忙碌的社会中建立紧密的家庭纽带 孩子的守护天使 不是母亲,能是谁? 父亲的拥抱 笨拙的爱第二章 如梭岁月里一楼清香 爸爸爽约 错过的祝福 第一场雪 鲜花中的爱 老爸 我永远的情人节 我永远都会在你的身边 母亲节和父亲节 装满吻的盒子 奥哈拉给女儿的信/ 让爱成长 当我日渐老去 你所记得的一切 戒指 爱的遗产 说出心里话第三章 感恩的心需要生活来滋养 一小时 母亲的手 孩子的爱 与另一个女人 约会 阳光地带 唯爱永存 他自己的天地 哥哥的心愿 父亲的工作独一无二 好好想想 我为什么而生活 父亲的爱(节选) 弗兰西斯·司各特·菲茨杰拉德的信(节选) 家人 海明威的信 母爱的真谛第四章 花开花落,我一样会感恩 莫等到花儿也谢了 汤米的心里话 离家出走 爱的作业 感恩的力量 祈祷之手 一杯牛奶 爷爷的饭桌 美味的泡面 献给母亲的优美的旋律 爱的秘密 因为您 为母亲祈祷 午餐里的头发 我最难忘的人 给爸爸的信 第一百位客人
Mom was the queen,our
As I entered her kingdom I knelt beside her and placeda kiss on her majesty’s hand。Even in this frail lifelessexistence she was still the queen.She had reigned over naykingdom for nearly fifty years.
Her elegant purple robe was replaced by theblue.gray drab hospital gown,a terry cloth towel replacedher golden crown,her jewels of diamonds and rubies werenow molded plastic and rubber.
Nearly thirty days the queen was held against her will.Her soul locked in a prison of flesh and bone.We knew itwas just a matter of time before the kingdom came crashingdown and we were helpless to defend her throne.
Morn’s hcan rate grew slower and fainter.She couldnot speak but her eyes conveyed the message.
“No,Mom,no!Don’t you dare leave me!I,m notready to assyne this responsibility.I don,t want to wearyour robe.You are so wise and all the others come to youfor strength and guidance!”
Her eyes locked onto mine one final time and I knewshe was handing me the keys to her kingdom.
The solid foundation of my childhood had been shakenand I felt it crumbling beneath my feet.
A small stream of tears escaped her eyes and I knew Ihad become queen。“Mom!”I cried out.
The fortress had become silent and ready or not thekingdom was mine。
It has been two years since the crown was passed tome.There have been many times I proved unworthy of thehonor.My children tumed to me for wisdom and guidanceand I found myself looking for the queen。But,1 was thequeen now,the decisions were mine to make.How I hatedthis job!1 wasn,t good at it and I didn’t want it.I felt aloneand that made me afraid.
I fought hard to carry on.I looked for a book thatwould instruct me.there were none.Memories of her wouldrush in and sweep me away.1 would cry in the darknesswhen there was no one to see。1 was their queen and I had notime for tears.
When I thought I could endure no more a friendbrought to mind that each of us are given challenges and weneed to reach deep within to find our strengths.My motherhad been the strong one not me.1 was reminded that l“wasmy mother,s daughter.
“What was that supposed to mean?”I had wondered.