剑桥双语分级阅读 小说馆 女督察洛根 Inspector Logan 第1级
定 价:8.8 元
- 作者:Richard MacAndrew
- 出版时间:2014/6/10
- ISBN:9787561937907
- 出 版 社:北京语言大学出版社
- 中图法分类:H319.4
- 页码:
- 纸张:印 次:1
- 版次:1
- 开本:大32开
“剑桥双语分级阅读-小说馆”系列图书适合小学高年级到大学低年级英语学习者阅读使用,其中“第1级”6册,适合初一至初二英语学习的学生,本册图书为第1级6册之一。本系统图书包括如下特点:原创英文小说,未经改编,原汁原味。当代小说题材,学习当代实用英语,了解欧美风土人情。英语语言教育专家 + 小说作家合力创作,兼具文学欣赏与英语学习的双重作用。读本 + 录音,阅读与听力双重学习与欣赏。小说题材丰富,侦探、情感、历险、惊悚、悬疑、科幻、喜剧、人文等。套系中既有纯正的英式英语,又有流行的美式英语,可以让孩子接触到更多实际的英语发音。配赠网络资源的小说——支持免费下载有声资源。
Richard MacAndrew,作家、英语语言教育专家。从事英语教学与研究工作三十余年,曾在不同国家任教。为剑桥大学出版社创作十余部英语学习小说,故事中的主人公洛根督察已成为广大英语学习者耳熟能详的人物。在“剑桥双语分级阅读-小说馆”系列中,他创作了《女督察洛根》《危险拍档》等读本。
People in the story / 故事中的人物 / 6
Places in the story / 故事中的地点/7
Before reading / 读前思考 / 8
Chapter 1 Where is Margaret Kerr? / 玛格丽特-克尔去哪儿了? / 9
Chapter 2 What did Tommy see? / 汤米看见了什么? / 14
Chapter 3 A name on Margaret Kerr’s phone / 玛格丽特-克尔手机里的人名 / 19
Chapter 4 Dr Andrew Buchan / 安德鲁-巴肯医生 / 25
Chapter 5 Logan makes some phone calls / 洛根打了几个电话 / 29
Chapter 6 Logan finds the killer / 洛根找到了凶手 / 33
After reading / 读后活动 / 39
Learning guide / 学习指导 / 40
Translation / 参考译文 / 47
Chapter 1 Where is Margaret Kerr?
‘When did your wife go out?’ asked Jenny Logan.
She looked at the man across the table from her. He was tall with dark brown hair.
‘Yesterday,’ he replied. ‘At lunchtime, I think. I wasn’t at home at the time. I went out just after twelve and got back about two.’
‘And she didn’t come home last night?’ said Logan.
‘That’s right,’ said the man.
‘Is she often out all night?’ asked Logan.
‘No,’ said the man. ‘Never.’
Jenny Logan sat back in her chair and looked at the man. It was a cold Monday afternoon in April and it was her first day in her new job. She was an inspector in the Edinburgh police – a new job in a new city. Sergeant Grant sat on her right. He had a pen and some paper. Logan looked at Grant.
‘Your name, sir?’ Grant asked the man.
‘Robert Kerr.’
‘Your wife’s name?’
‘And where do you live?’ asked Grant.
‘On Royal Terrace,’ replied the man. Royal
Terrace was a pretty street that looked down across
the Royal Terrace Gardens to the police station on
London Road. Kerr told Grant the number of the building and the flat, and Grant wrote it on the paper.
‘And your wife left your flat about lunchtime yesterday afternoon and she still isn’t home?’ Grant made it a question.
‘That’s right,’ said Kerr.
Grant wrote on the paper.
‘What clothes did she have on?’ asked Logan.
Kerr thought for a minute. His eyes looked up over Logan’s head.
‘A white pullover and a black skirt,’ he said. ‘And a dark red coat. She had a brooch on the front of the coat.’
‘What kind of brooch?’ asked Logan.
第1 章 玛格丽特?克尔去哪儿了?