5 Conclusion
Time-dependent thermal simulation for ridge geometry InGaN MQW LDs was carried out with a two-dimensional model.A high temperature in the waveguide layer and large temperature step between regions under and outside ridge are generated due to the poor thermal conductivity of the sapphire substrate and the large threshold current and voltage.The temperature step in-creases rapidly with time during the initial several hundred nanoseconds and then remains con-stant.The temperature step is thought to have a strong influence on the dynamic characteristics of the LDs. Time-resolved measurements of L-I curves, far-field pattern, and spectra of the InGaN LDs under pulsed operation were performed.Results show that the temperature step leads to better confinement of high order modes and a lower threshold current and a higher slope effi-ciency of the device while a high temperature in the active layer results in a drastic decrease in slope efficiency.
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