为了深入了解广大学生在英语学习中的切实需求,陕西高等学校大学外语教学研究会联合西安交通大学出版社首先在省内众多高校进行了一系列的联合调研。调查范围涉及了西安交通大学、西安电子科技大学、西北工业大学、陕西师范大学、西北大学、西安建筑科技大学、西安理工大学、西安科技大学、西北政法大学、西安邮电学院、西安石油大学、西安工程大学、西安工业大学、西北农林科技大学、延安大学、陕西科技大学、陕西中医学院等1 7所院校。通过对各个高校现有的选修课进行统计,以及在学生中展开的问卷调查进行分析,结果显示学生的兴趣主要集中在三个方面:英语国家的历史与文化、实用的英语写译技能和以歌曲、电影为代表的娱乐休闲英语。
Unit 1 Visiting a Friend
Unit 2 Hosting the Home Guests
Unit 3 Dining
Unit 4 Behaving in School
Unit 5 Attending Meetings
Unit 6 Writing E-mails
Unit 7 Making Telephones
Unit 8 Interviewing
Unit 9 Working at Office
Unit 10 Meeting Business Partners
Unit 11 Entertaining
Unit 12 Attending a Wedding Ceremony
Unit 13 Attending a Formal Party
Unit 14 Touring abroad
Keys to Exercises
Upon graduation, Roger got a big gift from his grandfather——Grandpawould pay for a round-trip ticket to China. He told Li Zhang the goodnews, and the two decided to meet. Li Zhang decided to give Roger a veryspecial welcome: she and the three women students in her dormitory wouldcook him an authentic Chinese meals as Roger had told her that he lovedChinese food.
However, when Roger was presented the dinner, he was almostterrified by some of the food: pork stomach soup, pig liver with ginger andspring onion, chicken with mushrooms in which the chicken had been cutto pieces with bones attached to the meal.
Fortunately, there were courses like bean curd, stirred fried beef,steamed fish and vegetables that Roger loved. He tried to stick to them, butLi Zhang kept putting food he did not like on his plate. When she askedhow he liked the liver, Roger said, "Its very unusual.., and interesting."This seemed to make Li Zhang happy and she gave him more liver. Rogertried to stop her, but she would not be stopped. Roger was so frustratedthat he told her that he did not really like it that much.
"But you said it was unusual and interesting!" Li Zhang said.
"Well, they both mean something less than positive," Roger saidcarefully, trying not to hurt their feelings.
Li Zhang and her friends became concerned at this. "So you dont likethe food?"
"Im not used to eating liver, thats all. But I do like the chicken, thebeef, the bean curd, and the vegetables. I have had more than enough toeat. I never make this much food at home," Roger was eager to let themknow how much he appreciated their effort. "Trust me, Im enjoying thefood. I know what I like."