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Part I 阅 读 词 汇
Unit 1 自然科学
abundant [4'b8nd4nt] a. 大量的,充足的,丰富的
【例】The early explorers and settlers said there were once abundant deer in the early 1800s and yet bemoaned the lack of game animal at that time. 早期的探险者和移民表示,19世纪早期这里曾有大量的鹿,但令他们感到惋惜的是当时没有狩猎动物?
【派】abundantly(ad. 大量地,丰富地)
absorption [4b's3:p54n] n. 吸收
【同】assimilation; reception
accumulation [4kju:mju'lei54n] n. 积累,堆积物
【同】amassing; cumulation
altitude ['1ltitju:d] n. 海拔,高度;[常pl.] 高处
【搭】pressure altitude 压力高度
【同】height(n. 高度)
aquifer ['1kwif4] n. 含水土层;蓄水层
【例】Water does not keep steady in an aquifer but can leak out at springs or leak into other aquifers. 水不会一直稳定地存在于含水层里,而是会渗漏到泉水中,或流入其他的含水层里?
【搭】confined aquifer 承压含水层
asteroid ['1st4r3id] n. 小行星
【同】planetoid(a. 小行星)
biome [bai4um] n. 生物群系
【搭】aquatic biome 水生生物群
blooming ['blu:mi6] a. 盛开的
【派】blossom[v. (使)开花]
branch [br2:nt5] n. 树枝;分部;分支
browse [brauz] v. 吃嫩叶或草;浏览 n. 浏览;吃草
【例】Biologists believe that it is necessary to find another open areas with browse immediately. 生物学家认为必须尽快找到另一块开放的牧草地?
carnivore ['k2:niv3:] n. 食肉动物
【用】其他种类的生物:herbivore 食草动物;scavenger 食腐动物;omnivore 杂食动物?
chondrule ['k3ndru:l] n. 陨石球粒
climax ['klaim1ks] n. 高潮,最令人兴奋的部分
【派】climactic(a. 高潮的)
compact [k4m'p1kt] a. 紧凑的;简洁的vt. 压缩
n. 契约
【搭】a compact car 小型车;compact disk 压缩唱片(CD);the compact industrial city 工业密集型城市
【派】compaction(n. 压紧;凝结)
【同】concise; compress
compress [k4m'pres] v. 压缩;缩短
【派】compression(n. 压缩)
【同】condense; shorten
configuration [k4nWfigju'rei54n] n. 布局,结构;配置
【例】An accurate configuration of a heat island relies on many factors. 一个精确的城市热岛结构依赖许多因素?
conserve [k4n's4:v] vt. 保存,保藏;保护
【例】Even with insulation and countercurrent exchange systems, hatchlings are simply too small to conserve body heat. 即使有保温和逆流交换系统,雏鸟也因为体型太小而无法保持体温?
【同】retain; preserve
cortex ['k3:teks] n.(植物的)皮层,皮质;树皮
【搭】cerebral cortex 大脑皮层
crater ['kreit4] n. 火山口;陨石坑,弹坑
【例】The asteroid with this size would leave an huge crater, even though the asteroid itself was also disintegrated by the impact. 这般大小的行星会制造一个巨大的陨石坑,尽管其本身也在撞击中碎裂?
cretaceous [kri'tei54s] a. 白垩纪的;似白垩的 n. 白垩纪
【例】Between the last layer of Cretaceous rock and the first layer of Cenozoic rock, a thin layer of clay often exists here. 在白垩纪岩层的最后一层和新生代岩层的最新一层之间,通常存在一个薄薄的黏土层?
crust [kr8st] n. 地壳;外壳;(一片)面包片
【搭】lower crust 下部地壳
crustal ['kr8st4l] a. 地壳的;外壳的
【例】As a result of crustal adjustments, a single sea area with spectacular cascades of water between the straits were formed. 地壳的调整形成了一片独立的海域,这片海域的海峡之间有壮观的瀑布?
crystalline ['krist4lain] a. 水晶的,透明的
【搭】crystalline salt 结晶盐
【用】在托福阅读中,crystalline经常出现在地质学相关文章中,比如:crystalline salt;basalt is a crystalline rock that is very porous?
deciduous [di'sidju4s] a. 落叶的;非永久的,短暂的
【搭】deciduous trees 落叶树
decomposition [Wdi:k3mp4'zi54n] n. 分解;腐烂
【例】The decomposition of ferns produce minerals that is used by lichens. 蕨类植物的分解作用会产生矿物,这些矿物将为地衣所用?
deforest [Wdi:'f3rist] vt. 采伐森林,清除树林
【派】deforestation(n. 森林砍伐)
dense [dens] a. 密集的,浓密的
【例】The terrestrial planets are mostly rocks, often contains dense rocky and metallic material. 类地行星主要由岩石构成,通常含有高密度的岩石和金属物质?
deposit [di'p3zit] v. 使沉淀;堆积;储蓄;寄存
n. 沉积物;存款,押金
【同】settle; accumulate; accumulation
desertification [Wdez4tifi'kei5(4)n] n. 沙漠化
dinosaur ['dain4s3:] n. 恐龙
【用】谈及恐龙时通常会谈到它的灭绝,因此一定要掌握与之搭配的短语:the extinction of the dinosaurs?
dissolution [Wdis4'lju:5(4)n] n. 瓦解,溶解
【例】If the empty shell of snails or clams are durable enough and resistant to dissolution, they may keep the original shape for a long period. 如果蜗牛和蛤蜊的空壳足够坚实,而且不会被溶解,那么它们在很长的一段时间之内都能保持其原本的形状?
dissolve [di'z3lv] v.(使)溶解;清除;解散
【同】melt; liquefy; eliminate
diversification [daiWv4:sifi'kei5(4)n] n. 变化,多样化
【例】The Cambrian explosion led to a rapid evolutionary diversification, followed by the extinction of many animals. 寒武纪大爆发导致了迅速进化的多样化进程,随后许多动物灭绝了?
【用】diversification多出现在讨论生物多样性的文章中,其含义就是:the mergence of many varieties?
diversity [dai'v4:s4ti] n. 多样性,千变万化
【搭】biological diversity 生物差异;species diversity 物种多样性
domesticate [d4'mestikeit] vt. 驯养,驯化 n. 驯养的动物;移植的植物
【用】domesticate不仅可以指动物,还可以表示“移植的植物”,例如:The undisputed pre-Columbian presence in Oceania of the sweet potato, which is a New World domesticate.这个句子中的domesticate是名词用法?
dormant ['d3:m4nt] a. 静止的;休眠的;隐匿的
【搭】a dormant volcano 休眠火山
drift [drift] v. (使)漂流 n. 漂流;漂泊;倾向
【搭】continental drift 大陆漂移
droplet ['dr3plit] n. 小滴
【搭】droplet transmission飞沫传播
elevation [Weli'vei54n] n. 提高;高度,海拔
emerge [i'm4:d9] vi. 显露,暴露;(从水中)出来
【例】The cinema didn’t emerge as a form of mass consumption at first until the technology enabled to project images on a screen in a darkened theater.