1 Strategies .for Effective,Managerial Writing
The Role of Strategy in Successful Managerial Writing
Writing in Context
Reasoning and Argument
Strategic Issues
Understanding the Workplace
Microcuhure, Organizational Culture, and Macrocuhure
Corporate Goals
Formal and Informal Processes
Professional Conduct and Personal Success
Personal Goals
Self-Image and Corporate Image
Communication Ethics
Culture and Ethics
2 Organizing Your Writing Strategy
Defining the Controlling Idea
Outlining : Giving Your Ideas Order
Structural or Ordering Strategies
Practical Style in Outlining
Analytic Tools and Basic Writing Guidelines
Analysis-Tools for Building Ideas
Procedures for Organizing Analysis
Evidence, Logic, and Reason
Using Evidence to Support Logic and Reasoning
Analysis and Logic
Critical Thinking, Lateral Thinking
Part One Classic and
3 Oomposin8 Memos andLetters
The Memorandum
Strategy: Finding the Appropriate Tone
Process : Formatting the Memo
Products : Types of Memos
The Business Letter
Strategy : Finding the Appropriate Tone
Identify the Audience
Process : Formatting the Letter
Products : Types of Letters
4 Preparing the Analytic Report
Analytic Reports: Types and Uses
Problem-Focused Analytic Report
Organizational Analytic Report
Strategies for Analytic Reports
Strategies for Analysis
Internal Versus External Analytic Reports
Organizing the Analytic Report
Identifying the Criteria for Analysis
Establishing Report Protocols
Collecting and Organizing Data
Tools for Analysis
5 Assessment and Recommendation Reports
Strategies for Persuasive Report Writing
Communicator Strategies for Persuasive Writing
Audience Strategies for Persuasive Writing
Message Strategies for Persuasive Writing
The Recommendation Report
The Solicited Recommendation Report
The Unsolicited Recommendation Report
The Evaluation Report
Organizing an Evaluation Report
Feasibility Reports
Establishing the Reports Criteria and Scope
6 Formatting the Proposal
Part Two Essential Tools for Managerial Writing
7 Optimizng the Electronically Integrated Workplace
8 Using Graphic Images Feeectively
The human resource approach utilizes knowledge about existingpersonnel to develop a comprehensive analysis of an organization·Information about personnel may be acquired from existing data or byconducting an assessment of personnel.This kind of analytic report can bethe first step in a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the existingworkforce.It should include job and skills analyses.A job analysis is adetailed description of the workplace activities of individual employees.Itcan include a detailed description of the activities required to complete eachtask assigned to an individual or a group responsible for a specific task ortasks.Organizational specialists use a variety of tools to conduct job analyses·Another source that might be drawn upon would be job and positiondescriptions held by the human resources department,which also retains theoriginal application of individual employees.Unfortunately,updatedinformation about the employee may be inconsistent.For instance,if theemployee completes additional training——especially outside of work——thehuman resources department may not place that information in theindividual’S file.
Normally,specialized training provided by the company or contracted bv the company for the individual or team is recorded in employee files.Nonetheless,the initiation of an organizational analytic report iS an excellentopportunity to make employee files current.In effect,the assessment of employee skills provides the material needed for the organizational report.In developing a comprehensive picture of the work and the worker,an organizational analysis based on the human resource approach IS the best method for planning organizational change and for assessmg organizational capabilities.A prospective customer may reqmre a company to provlde a detailed analysis of itS workforce,facilities,and capital to ensure that the company will be able to meet the customer’s needs.Such an analysis may call for the number and educational credentials of managers,engineers’shop floor personnel,and support staff.