前 言
Preface 伴随着中国融入世界经济发展的大潮,国内出现了大量的涉外企业,而同时国际上越来越多的跨国公司也进入中国的市场,这些企业的经营发展需要大量既懂营销专业知识又擅长在英语环境下沟通的专门人才。在这样的人才需求背景下,很多院校积极推进双语教学工作,以适应社会的需要。随着双语教学的不断深入,市场营销课程已成为高等院校双语教学改革试点中的亮点和热点。然而,教材建设却明显滞后,相关专业的学生缺乏专门、适用的教材,严重制约了学生岗位职业能力的发展。为了能够培养出复合型、应用型、涉外型的市场营销的专门人才,编写适合高等院校学生使用的教材对进一步提高高等院校市场营销专业双语教学的质量有着十分重要的意义。 本书在比较分析现存双语教材的种类和特点的基础上,通过探索双语教材选择和使用的标准,为双语教学提供理论支持。本书以市场营销基础知识为主体,以涉外市场营销专业培养目标为编写方向,以市场营销学为支撑,强调英语与市场营销学的融合。教材立意新颖,具有很强的针对性、实用性、适用性。 市场营销学是一门建立在经济科学、行为科学和现代管理理论基础之上的应用科学。它主要研究市场营销活动及其规律性,具有综合性、边缘性的特点,属于管理学范畴。课程的核心内容就是研究在买方市场条件下,卖方如何从顾客的需要出发制定企业发展战略、组织企业市场营销活动,从而在满足顾客需求的前提下,使企业在激烈竞争的市场环境中获得生存和发展。而企业必须依靠掌握营销理论和技巧的市场营销专业人员才能实现目标。不仅如此,在市场经济条件下,市场营销理论、方法和技巧不仅广泛应用于企业和各种非营利性组织,而且逐渐应用于微观和宏观各个层次,涉及社会经济生活的各个方面。它是工商管理类各专业的核心课程,也是经济学类各专业的基础课程。 本书总体框架由黑龙江外国语学院陈丽燕负责设计。全书共有10章,参与编写的成员分工如下:第3、4、5、6、7章汉语稿由陈丽燕编写;第9、10章汉语稿和第1、7、8、9、10章英语稿由黑龙江外国语学院刘永丹编写;第8章汉语稿和第2、3、4、5、6章英语稿由黑龙江外国语学院龙凤编写;第1章汉语稿由东北林业大学工程技术学院王巍编写;第2章汉语稿由黑龙江外国语学院刘音编写。此外,陈福明教授和外籍专家Lucy Qi负责了全书的审校工作,他们的认真审校使英文书稿更加地道流畅。在此特别感谢老师们的辛勤劳动。 本书在编写过程中,借鉴了国内外营销学者大量的最新的研究成果,特别是吸纳了一些国内最近出版的教材中的新内容与新观点。在此,谨向这些同行师友们致以深深的谢意。 本书是对市场营销双语教学教材建设的一个探索,书中缺点、疏漏和不妥之处在所难免,如广大师生和读者能来信、来电批评指正,使本教材日趋完善,编者将不胜感谢。 编 者
第一章 认识市场营销活动What Is Marketing 1 第一节 市场与市场营销概述An Overview of Market and Marketing 1 一、市场Market 1 二、市场营销Marketing 6 第二节 市场营销观念Marketing Concept 9 一、如何理解市场营销观念How to Understand Marketing Concept 9 二、市场营销观念的演进Evolution of Marketing Concept 10 本章小结Summary 20 思考题Questions 21 第二章 市场营销调研Marketing Research 22 第一节 市场营销调研概述An Overview of Marketing Research 22 一、市场营销调研的含义和类型Definition and Classifications of Marketing Research 22 二、市场营销调研的内容 Contents of Marketing Research 24 第二节 市场营销调研的基本程序Basic Procedures of Marketing Research 27 一、调研准备阶段Preparation Stage 27 二、调研实施阶段Implementation Stage 30 三、调研资料整理、分析与报告撰写阶段Data Collation, Analysis and Report Writing Stage 31 第三节 市场营销调研的方法Marketing Research Methods 32 一、按调研对象划分According to Research Subjects 33 二、按获得信息的方式划分According to Ways of Obtaining Information 37 本章小结Summary 40 思考题Questions 40 第三章 分析市场营销环境Analyzing Marketing Environment 42 第一节 认知市场营销环境Understanding Marketing Environment 42 一、市场营销环境的含义及其构成Meaning and Composition of Marketing Environment 42 二、市场营销环境的特点Characteristics of Marketing Environment 44 三、企业营销与营销环境的互动Interaction Between Enterprise Marketing and Marketing Environment 45 第二节 分析微观营销环境Analyzing Micro-environment 47 一、企业内部条件Enterprise's Internal Conditions 47 二、供应商Suppliers 47 三、营销中间商Marketing Intermediaries 48 四、目标顾客Target Customers 49 五、竞争者Competitors 49 六、公众The Public 50 第三节 分析宏观营销环境Analyzing Macro-environment 52 一、人口环境Population Environment 53 二、社会文化环境Social Culture Environment 57 三、经济环境 Economic Environment 62 四、科技环境Science and Technology Environment 66 五、政治法律环境Political and Legal Environment 67 六、自然环境Natural Environment 69 本章小结Summary 71 思考题Questions 71 第四章 市场购买行为分析Analyzing Market Purchase Behavior 73 第一节 消费者市场及其购买行为分析Consumer Market and Consumer Purchasing Behavior 73 一、消费者市场的概念及购买模式Concept of Consumer Market and Purchasing Patterns 73 二、影响消费者购买行为的因素Factors influencing Consumer Purchase Behavior 75 三、消费者购买行为的类型Types of Consumer Purchase Behavior 87 四、消费者购买行为决策过程Decision-making Process of Consumer Purchase Behavior 90 第二节 组织市场及其购买行为分析Institutional Markets and Institution Purchase Behavior 94 一、组织市场的概念及类型Concept and Types of Institutional Markets 94 二、组织市场购买行为Purchase Behavior of Institutional Market 96 本章小结Summary 107 思考题Questions 108 第五章 目标市场选择及市场定位策略Strategies for Target Market Selection and Market Positioning 109 第一节 市场细分Market Segmentation 109 一、市场细分的含义Concept of Market Segmentation 109 二、有效市场细分的要求Requirements of Effective Market Segmentation 111 三、市场细分的程序Procedures of Market Segmentation 111 四、市场细分的依据Basis of Market Segmentation 112 五、市场细分的方法Methods of Market Segmentation 118 第二节 选择目标市场Selecting Target Market 119 一、目标市场及目标市场选择的含义Meaning of Target Market and Target Market Selection 119 二、目标市场选择的标准Criteria of Target Market Selection 120 三、目标市场的选择策略Strategies for Target Market Selection 122 四、目标市场的营销策略Marketing Strategies for Target Market 123 五、影响目标市场选择的因素Factors Influencing Target Market Selection 127 第三节 市场定位Market Positioning 130 一、市场定位的含义Meaning of Market Positioning 130 二、市场定位的作用Functions of Market Positioning 131 三、市场定位的步骤Steps of Market Positioning 132 四、市场定位的方法 Methods of Market Positioning 135 五、市场定位策略Strategies for Market Positioning 138 本章小结Summary 140 思考题Questions 141 第六章 产品策略Product Strategies 143 第一节 产品概述Overview of Products 143 一、产品的含义Concept of Product 143 二、产品整体概念Total Product Concept 144 三、产品的分类Categories of Product 147 第二节 产品生命周期策略Product Life Cycle Strategies 152 一、产品生命周期的概念Concept of Product Life Cycle 152 二、产品生命周期各阶段的特点及营销策略Characteristics and Marketing Strategies at Every Stage of the Product Life Cycle 154 第三节 产品品牌与包装策略Branding and Packaging Strategies 164 一、品牌策略Branding Strategy 164 二、包装策略Packaging Strategies 169 第四节 产品组合策略Product Mix Strategies 173 一、产品组合及其相关概念Product Mix and Related Concepts 173 二、产品组合策略的分类Categories of Product Mix Strategies 176 第五节 新产品开发策略New-Product Development Strategies 182 一、新产品的概念及类型Concept and Types of New Products 182 二、新产品开发的策略Strategies of New-product Development 184 本章小结Summary 185 思考题Questions 186 第七章 价格策略Pricing Strategies 187 第一节 定价的程序与方法Pricing Procedures and Methods 187 一、定价程序Pricing Procedures 187 二、定价方法Pricing Approaches 192 第二节 定价的基本策略Pricing Strategies 199 一、产品组合定价策略Portfolio Pricing Strategies 199 二、新产品定价策略New Product Pricing Strategies 201 三、心理定价策略Psychological Pricing Strategies 203 四、地理定价策略Geographical Pricing Strategies 204 五、折扣定价策略Discount Pricing Strategies 206 六、差别定价策略Segmentation Pricing Strategies 208 七、价格调整策略Price Adjustment Strategies 209 本章小结Summary 211 思考题Questions 212 第八章 分销渠道策略Distribution Channel Strategies 213 第一节 分销渠道的职能及类型Functions and Types of Distribution Channels 213 一、分销渠道的概念Definition of Distribution Channels 213 二、分销渠道的职能Functions of Distribution Channels 214 三、分销渠道的类型Types of Distribution Channels 215 第二节 选择分销渠道策略Selecting Strategies for Distribution Channels 218 一、影响分销渠道策略设计的因素Factors Influencing the Design of Channel Strategies 218 二、分销渠道选择的策略Strategy for Selecting Distribution Channels 222 第三节 批发商与零售商的分销策略Wholesaling and Retailing Distribution Strategies 227 一、批发商的分销策略 Wholesaling Distribution Strategies 227 二、零售商的分销策略Retailing Distribution Strategies 229 第四节 分销渠道管理策略Channel Management Strategies 232 一、渠道管理的内容Contents of Channel Management 232 二、渠道管理的策略Channel Management Strategies 233 本章小结Summary 236 思考题Questions 237 第九章 促销策略Promotion Strategies 238 第一节 促销与促销组合策略Promotion and Promotion Mix Strategies 238 一、促销的含义Meaning of Promotion 238 二、促销的作用Effects of Promotion 240 三、促销组合策略 Strategies of Promotion Mix 242 第二节 人员推销策略Personal Selling Strategies 250 一、人员推销的含义及特点 Meaning and Characteristics of Personal Selling 250 二、人员推销的任务 Assignments of Personal Selling 252 三、人员推销策略的含义及内容 Meaning and Contents of Personal Selling Strategies 253 四、人员推销的形式策略 Form Strategy of Personal Selling 253 五、人员推销的基本策略 Basic Strategies of Personal Selling 255 六、人员推销的工作流程策略Working Procedure Strategy of Personal Selling 256 七、人员推销的管理策略 Management Strategies of Personal Selling 258 第三节 广告策略Advertising Strategies 265 一、广告的含义及类型The Meaning and Types of Advertisement 265 二、广告策略的概念及其程序The Concept and Other Procedures of Ads 268 第四节 公共关系策略Public Relation Strategies 278 一、公共关系的概念及特征Concept and Essential Characteristics of Public Relations 278 二、公共关系策略Public Relations Strategy 280 第五节 营业推广策略Sales promotion Strategies 284 一、营业推广的概念The Concept of Sales Promotion 284 二、营业推广策略的含义The Meaning of Sales Promotion Strategies 284 三、营业推广策略的类型及活动方式The Types of Sales Promotion Strategies and the Ways of Activities 285 四、营业推广策略实施程序The Implementation Procedures of Sales Promotion Strategies 289 本章小结Summary 290 思考题Questions 291 第十章 营销素养和社会责任Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility 292 第一节 加强营销素养Reinforce Marketing Ethics 292 一、营销人员必备的营销素养Salesmen's Requisite Marketing Ethics 292 二、营销人员提高业务素养的途径Ways of Promoting Salesmen's Professional Quality 296 第二节 实施对社会负责的市场营销Marketing with Social Responsibility 297 一、社会对于营销的批评Social Criticism of Marketing 297 二、营销中的社会责任Social Responsibility in Marketing 298 三、实施对社会负责的营销Implement the Marketing Responsible for the Society 300 本章小结Summary 302 思考题Questions 302 参考文献 303
第一章 认识市场营销活动
What Is Marketing 【学习目标】 1. 市场的概念及市场分类; 2. 市场营销的核心概念; 3. 市场营销观念的演进。 Learning Objectives 1. Concept and types of markets; 2. Core concepts of marketing; 3. Evolution of marketing concepts. 市场营销不是企业经营活动的某一方面,它始于产品生产之前,并一直延续到产品售出以后,贯穿于企业经营活动的全过程。它是企业在占领市场、扩大销售、实现预期目标的过程中所进行的一系列商务活动。企业的成功并不是取决于生产而是取决于顾客,因此,树立现代市场营销观念、正确认识市场营销活动是成功开展营销活动的前提和基础。 Marketing is not an aspect of business activities. It begins before production and extends to after-sales, which is a whole process of business operations. Marketing is a series of business activities in the process of occupying market, expanding sales, and achieving objectives. An enterprise's success does not depend on production but on the customer, therefore, correct understanding of marketing concepts and marketing campaigns is the basis of successful implementation of marketing activities. 第一节 市场与市场营销概述 An Overview of Market and Marketing 一、市场Market (一)市场的概念Concept of Market 市场是社会生产分工、商品生产与商品交换的产物,属商品经济的范畴。哪里存在商品交换,哪里就有市场。市场的含义是随着商品经济的发展而不断延伸的。 Market is the result of social production division, commodity production and commodities exchange. It belongs to the scope of commodity economy. Where there exists commodity exchange, there is market. The meaning of market extends with the development of commodity economy. 美国著名营销学家菲利普·科特勒认为;"市场是指某种产品的实际购买者和潜在购买者的集合。这些购买者有某种欲望或需要,并且能够通过交换得到满足。因而,市场规模取决于具有这种需要及支付能力、并且愿意进行交换的人的数量。" Philip Kotler, the famous American marketing expert, believes that the market is a collection of actual and potential buyers of certain products. These buyers have certain desire or needs, which can be met through exchange. Thus, market scale depends on the number of people who have the needs and payment abilities and are willing to be engaged in the trade. 市场是人口、购买力、购买欲望三要素的集合体。 Market is an aggregate of population, purchasing power and purchasing desire. 其中,人口指的是对产品有现实和潜在需要的人,是构成市场的最基本的要素。购买力是顾客支付货币、购买商品或服务的能力。购买力是构成市场的重要因素,有支付能力的需求才促成有意义的市场。购买欲望是顾客购买商品的动机、愿望或要求,是顾客把潜在购买力变成现实购买力的重要条件。市场的三个要素相互制约,缺一不可,只有三者结合起来,才能构成现实的市场,才能决定市场的规模和容量。 Population is the people with actual and potential needs, who constitute the most basic element of market. Purchasing power is the ability to pay and to buy goods or services. It is an important factor of market, and demand with ability to pay constitutes a meaningful market. Purchasing desire is the motivation, will or demand of customers to purchase goods and is an important condition to turn customers' potential purchasing power into reality. These three elements of market are indispensable and restrain each other. Only the combination of the three can constitute a real market, and determine the size and capacity of the market. (二)市场的分类Types of Market 市场按不同的标准可以划分为各种不同的类型。不同的市场类型,有其不同的交换内容及其具体的需求与特点。 Market can be divided into various types by different standards. Different markets have different exchange contents, specific needs and characteristics. 1. 按竞争程度划分Divided by Competition Degree 按照竞争程度划分,市场有完全竞争市场、完全垄断市场、垄断竞争市场和寡头垄断市场。 Based on competition degree, there are fully competitive market, monopoly market, monopolistic competition market, and oligopoly market. 完全竞争市场是指竞争不受任何干扰的市场,它意味着市场中产品价格稳定,产品质量相同,要素转移自由,信息传递迅速。理想的完全竞争市场实际上是不存在的。在现实生活中,农产品市场比较接近完全竞争市场的情况。 Fully competitive market is the one without any interference which means stable price, same quality free factors and quick information transfer. Ideal fully competitive market does not exist in reality and agricultural market is similar to it in real life. 完全垄断市场是指整个产业只有一家企业,它的产品没有任何替代品,其他企业无法进入该产业。完全垄断企业能够操纵整个产业的产品和价格,该企业就是代表产业。形成完全垄断的原因主要有自然垄断、原料控制、专利权和政府特许。 Monopoly market refers to that there is only one enterprise in an industry. There are no substitutes for its products; other enterprises cannot enter the field. The monopoly enterprise is on behalf of the industry, and it is able to manipulate the entire industry's product and price. Full monopoly is mainly due to natural monopoly, raw material control, patents, and government concessions. 垄断竞争市场是介于完全竞争市场和完全垄断市场之间的市场。垄断竞争市场的主要特点是:一切同类商品之间存在差别,市场上有很多同类企业,企业进入市场比较容易,比如一般日用工业品。垄断竞争对消费者的满足程度最高,在一定的价格水平下消费者对商品的选择余地较大,它是目前经济生活中普遍存在的市场结构。 Monopolistic competition market is a market between fully competitive market and monopoly market. Its main features are as follows: there are differences among all the goods of the same kind; there are many similar enterprises and it's easy for them to enter the market, such as general industrial products for daily use. Monopolistic competition, in which consumers have greater choice at a certain price level, gives consumers the maximum level of satisfaction and is the prevailing market structure in current economic life. 寡头垄断市场是指一种产品在拥有大量消费者或用户的情况下,由少数几家大企业控制绝大部分的商品生产经营量,剩下的一小部分产品量则由众多的小企业去生产经营。产生这种市场的主要原因是资源的有限性、技术的先进性、资本规模的集中性以及规模经济效益所形成的排他性, 诸如钢铁、石油、航空等领域。 Oligopoly market refers to the market where a kind of product owns a large number of consumers or users and a few big enterprises control the most production of the goods, leaving a small amount produced by a large number of small enterprises. This is due to limited resources, advanced technology, centralized capital and exclusivity formed by Scale Economies Effect in such business lines as steel, oil, aviation, etc. 2. 按流通区域划分Divided by Circulation Regions 按商品流通区域划分,市场可分为国内市场和国际市场。 Based on circulation regions, there are domestic and international markets. 国内市场,是指在一国范围内可使商品和劳务发生转移的区域市场。国内市场的发展与繁荣,不仅能够促进本国经济的发展,而且能为发展对外贸易、进入国际市场提供牢固的基础与条件。国内市场又可分为省区市场、城乡市场等。 Domestic markets refer to the regional markets within a country for the transfer of goods and services. Development of domestic markets can not only promote economy but also provide solid foundation and favorable conditions for developing foreign trade and entering international markets. Domestic markets can be divided into province markets, urban and rural markets, etc. 国际市场,是指越出本国国境与其他国家进行贸易活动所形成的多国间市场。国别市场、贸易集团区域市场、洲别市场等都属于国际市场。 International markets are the multinational ones which are beyond one country's border with trading activities taking place in different countries. Country markets, markets for trading blocks and continent markets all belong to international markets. 3. 按产品形态划分Divided by Product Forms 市场按产品形态划分,可分为有形产品市场与无形产品市场。 Based on product forms, there are tangible product market and intangible product market. 有形产品市场是指具有物质形态的商品市场,它包括工业品商品市场与农产品商品市场。工业品商品市场可分为轻工商品市场、机械商品市场、零配件商品市场、生产设施商品市场等市场;农产品商品市场可分为种植类、养殖类、林产类等商品市场。 Tangible product market is for commodities with physical forms, including those for industrial goods and agricultural goods. The markets for light industry goods, machinery, spare parts and production facilities all belongs to industrial goods market, while agricultural goods market includes those for cultivation, aquaculture and forestry products. 无形产品市场是指不提供有形的物质产品,而通过交换提供各种形式的服务,用以满足非物质消费需求的市场。在无形产品市场中,又可分为劳务市场、服务市场、信息市场等市场。 Intangible product market is the one where there is no tangible products exchange but the exchange of various services to meet the demand for non-material consumption. The markets for labor, services and information all belong to intangible product markets. 4. 按产品用途划分Divided by Product Uses 市场按产品用途划分,可分为消费者市场与生产者市场,实际上也就是生活消费品市场与生产消费品市场。 Based on product uses, there are consumer market and industry market, which are actually markets for consumer goods and industrial goods. 消费者市场是指居民生活消费品的商品市场,可分为食品市场、日用工业品市场、服装市场、家具市场等生活消费品市场。 Consumer market is for consumer goods, which includes food market, daily-use industrial products market, clothing market, furniture market, etc. 生产者市场是指生产者所需的各种生产资料的商品市场。生产者市场包括原材料、生产工具、生产设施、肥料、种子等生产消费品商品市场。 Industry market is for various means of production needed by producers, including markets for raw materials, production tools, production facilities, fertilizer and seeds, etc. 5. 按生产要素划分Divided by Production Factors 市场按产品生产过程中所需的基本生产要素划分,可分为物质产品市场、资金市场、劳动力市场、科技市场、信息市场、服务市场、房地产市场等要素市场。 Based on production factors required in the production process, there are markets for material products, capital, labor, science and technology, information, services and real estate, etc. 物质产品市场是指生产活动所需的原材料、生产工具、生产设施等生产资料商品市场。 Material product market is for raw materials, production tools, production facilities and so on. 资金市场是指进行生产经营活动所需资金的交易市场,可分为资金借贷市场、证券市场、股票市场等资金市场。 Capital market is for funds needed in production and business activities, which includes capital lending, securities, stocks and other financial markets. 劳动力市场是指进行生产活动所需劳动力的交易市场,可分为零用工市场、人才市场等。 Labor market is for labor exchange required in production activities. They can be markets for flexible employment and human resources market, etc. 科技市场是指进行生产活动所需科学技术的交易市场,可分为科技成果转让市场、科技成果出租市场等。 Science and technology market is for technology exchange needed in production activities, including transfer and rental markets for scientific and technological achievements. 信息市场是指进行生产经营活动所需各种信息的交易市场,可分为科技信息市场、商品供求信息市场、竞争者信息市场、社会经济发展信息市场以及网络信息市场等。 Information market is for information exchange, which is required in production and business activities, including markets for technology information, commodity supply and demand, competitors, socio-economic development, network and so on.