Welcome to General Chemistry Lab! This textbook is to introduce the experimental methods and tools used in college chemistry laboratory. Practical work is the heart of chemistry and chemistry is so called an experimental science. This book contains in total twenty-four labs, which would allow you to practice some basic techniques and protocols that our chemists use to investigate the concepts and principles you’ve learnt in college chemistry courses. From these labs, you will learn chemistry from the practical aspects other than lectures. You will observe, measure, deduce and determine the identity, composition, structures, quality, quantity, physicochemical properties and finally, the formation of molecules, which are unique ways taken by chemistry. Each lab lasts approximately 2 hours except for Lab 21, which requires 4 hours’ laboratory time. Your lab captain would either arrange one lab per week or two labs in one laboratory session on alternative weeks. You are expected to go through the twenty-four labs in one academic year.
This lab textbook is designed for the non-chemistry majored students, especially the students in the college of engineering. Yes, just like you! The book contains all the information you need for a chemistry laboratory course, including a textbook and a lab report booklet. The textbook describes a lab safety policy, the manuals of the twenty-four labs, a brief introduction to glassware, equipment, and instruments you will be using in the laboratory and finally, a list of glassware that are in your bench cabinet. The manual for each lab includes an introduction to the chemistry knowledge/principle that the lab is based on, a list of chemicals and equipment you will use during experiments, a stepwise experimental protocol. In the lab report booklet, we provide a risk assessment form, a set of pre-lab questions, in-lab data notebook, data analysis and a post-lab discussion to each lab. You shall read through the textbook content of the lab when you are preparing for the lab, and then complete the risk assessment form and pre-lab questions in the lab report booklet before you start the experiment. During the lab session, you can record your observations and experimental data in the part of data notebook of report booklet. After you complete the lab session, you need to continue analyzing your data and the post-lab question will lead you to dig more deeply into the lab in terms of either experimental protocol or data analysis. You can detach the pages of the lab accordingly when you go to laboratory or turn in the report afterwards.
We wrote the book in such a pattern to suit the students from different academic background, such as non-English speaking environment, high schools with different curriculum in chemistry, especially practical part of chemistry. We prepare the book as a package of a textbook and a report booklet to make it easy for the students to use inside laboratory and to review the lab afterwards. We hope with the help of this lab book, the students would accomplish in the college chemistry lab regardless of their previous training.
Finally, we understand this could be the first time that you practice chemical experiments. We would like to help you prepare well for the lab sessions. We have prepared eighteen videos to demonstrate some of the experiments, instruments, and common glassware that you will be doing and using at laboratory. A QR code is placed next to the experimental step for a quick access to the corresponding video. Please feel free to watch the videos in advance by accessing the online or electrical materials of this book. Furthermore, in the teaching laboratory, our lab captains and teaching assistants are present all the time, whenever you have questions and/or help is needed. Do not hesitate to raise your hand and/or just shout “Help!”
Now you are ready to dive into the ocean of chemistry experiments. Enjoy, and more important, keep safe!
SHAO Fangwei
January 2023
邵昉伟,浙江大学,副教授/特聘研究员,本教材主编邵昉伟老师,在美国加州理工学院和新加坡南洋理工大学有多年化学本科课程的全英文教授经验。对北美和英联邦教育体系下的化学本科教育有很深的了解和执教经验。多年来先后教授了近2000名国内外本科生的大学化学课程。邵昉伟老师于2019年3月入职浙江大学国际校区ZJU-UIUC联合学院。自2019年9月至今的两个学年中,承担了国际校区ZJUI学院和ZJE学院的所有本科阶段化学课程的教学工作,期中包括每年秋冬学期ZJUI学院的CHEM102:普通化学(一)(General Chemistry I)和ZJE学院的CHEM1001:大学化学(College Chemistry);和春夏学期ZJUI学院的CHEM104:普通化学(二)(General Chemistry II)。此外,邵昉伟老师有二十多年化学和化学生物学领域的科研经历,在新加坡主持过多个大型科研项目,回国后也主持了国自然科研项目,总计科研经费超1300万。
Laboratory Safety Rule 1
Lab 1 Measurement Precision of Glassware 5
Lab 2 Density of Metal and Solution 11
Lab 3 Beer’s Law and Food Dyes 16
Lab 4 Spectrophotometric Analysis of Fanta 23
Lab 5 Determination of the Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid 27
Lab 6 The Geometry of Representative Molecules 33
Lab 7 Calorimetry and Enthalpies of Solution 41
Lab 8 Formation Enthalpy of Magnesium Oxide and Hess’s Law 46
Lab 9 Resolution of Salt Solution by Distillation 50
Lab 10 Melting Point & Sublimation 55
Lab 11 Chemical Kinetics: Differential Rate Laws 61
Lab 12 Chemical Kinetics: Integrated Rate Laws 68
Lab 13 Determination of pKa for Bromothymol Blue 75
Lab 14 Determination of Acid Contents in Juice Drink 81
Lab 15 pH of Buffered Aqueous Solutions 87
Lab 16 Determine pKa and pI Values of Amino Acids 93
Lab 17 Free Energy and Equilibrium 98
Lab 18 Le Chatelier’s Principle 106
Lab 19 Determination of a Solubility Product, Ksp 113
Lab 20 Electrochemistry 117
Lab 21 Preparation and Decomposition of an Iron Coordination Compound 126
Lab 22 Synthesis of Aspirin 131
Lab 23 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Salicylic Acid in Aspirin 137
Lab 24 Determination of Acetylsalicylic Acid in Aspirin 143
Appendix I Common Apparatus and Glassware in the Laboratory 147
Appendix II User Manuals for Common Laboratory Instruments 151
1 Analytical Balance 151
2 SPECTRONICTM 200 Spectrophotometer (Spec 200) 152
3 Vacuum Filtration 155
4 LabQuest 2 157
5 pH Meter 159
Appendix III List of Apparatus and Glassware in Student’s Bench Cabinet 163
Reference 165