Chapter 1 Introduction
1. 1 Background of this study
1. 2 Objectives of this study
1. 3 Significance of this study
1. 4 Terminologicalissues
1. 5 Organization of this thesis
Chapter2 Theoretical Background
2. 1 Disentangling the notions of phraseology
2. 2 Major theoretical framework
2. 3 Previous studies of phraseology
2. 4 Summary
Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology
3. 1 Analytical framework
3. 2 Corpus to be used
3. 3 Instruments, tools, work procedures
3. 4 Summary
Chapter 4 A New Computing Method for Extracting Contiguous PSs
4. 1 Previous methods for extracting PSs
4. 2 Features of current statistics-based measures
4. 3 Procedures for data extraction
4. 4 Pseudo-bigram transformation
4. 5 A new algorithm for normalization: plobability-weighted average
4. 6 Evaluation
4. 7 Summary
Chapter 5 Overall Frequency Distributions of PSs
5. 1 Distributions of PSs of various lengths
5. 2 Distributions of PSs of different grammatical types
5. 3 Distributions of PSs of primary discourse functions
5. 4 Summary
Chapter 6 Experiential PSs
6. 1 Notions of experiential PSs
6. 2 Semantic categories of experiential PSs
6. 3 Experiential PSs for specifying processes and actions
6. 4 Experiential PSs for identifying entities, notions and activities
6. 5 Experiential PSs for specifying attributes
6. 6 Experiential PSs for specifying time and space
6. 7 Vagueness expressions
6. 8 Discussion and summary
Chapter 7 Stance PSs
7. 1 Notions of stance PSs
7. 2 Lexico-grammatical marking of stance
7. 3 Structural categories of stance PSs
7. 4 Adverbial stance PSs
7. 5 Overt subject stance PSs
7. 6 It-extraposed stance PSs
7. 7 Null subject stance PSs
7. 8 Discussion-and summary
Chapter 8 Orgaruzational PSs
8. 1 Notions of organizationalPSs
8. 2 Functional categories of organizational PSs
8. 3 Discourse acts PSs .
8. 4 Meta-discourse PSs
8. 5 General logical signals
8. 6 Discussion and summary
Chapter 9 Conclusions andlmplications
9. 1 Summary of major findings
9. 2 Implications
9. 3 Limitations of this study
This chapter discusses the patterns and functions of stance PSs in academictexts and characterizes their most prominent features. Section 7. 1 presents the notions of stance PSs in light of Biber's point of view (1999, 2006). Section 7. 2generalizes the lexico-grammatical marking of stance. Section 7. 3 describes thebroad structural categorization of stance PSs. Sections 7. 4 to 7. 7 dwell upon thefour structural subclasses respectively: adverbial stance PSs, overt subject PSs,it-extraposed PSs, and null subject PSs.
7. 1Notions of stance PSs
In academic texts, authors often need to evaluate or comment on previousstudies, to take stance and voice their own viewpoints, to present arguments,and to offer suggestions to peers in the same discourse community. A panoply of PSs are used to realize purposes as such, and they are collectively named stance PSs in this thesis. In general, stance PSs express authors' internal feelings,beliefs, thoughts, etc., and provide a typical frame of "attitudes, valuejudgments, or assessments for interpreting a propositional content or explicitlyaddressing readers", either to focus their attention or influence them (Biber etal. 1999: 966). Specifically, stance PSs may convey attitudes that an author hasabout certain information, how certain they are about its authenticity, how the ygained access to the information, and what stand they are taking.7.2Lexico-grammatical marking of stance Stance can be expressed to iffering extents through lexico-grammaticaldevices, which are categorized into two types: (a) Value-laden word choice,which involves a single evaluative or attitudinal word, such as appreciate, sureand signi ficance, from the use of which the existence of a stance can be in ferred.Such value-laden words are usually assumed by an adjective, main verb, or noun.(b) Grammatical stance marking, where a distinct grammatical structure is usedto express stance with respect to some other proposition.