《文学美学历史(中荷文化交流论坛文集)》编著者陆建德。 “中荷文化交流:文学、美学与历史”论坛共收集20篇有中外文学、美学专家撰写的以“文学、美学与历史”为主题的论文结集出版。其中不乏陆建德、高建平、王柯平、陈定家、陈君、丁国旗等中国学术大家,也有荷兰此领域的专家,如Ernst van Alphen,Murat Aydemir,Mieke Bal,Maaike Bleeker等。中荷专家围绕文学的发展与走向、本地化与世界性等话题发表最近见解,对于中荷两国文化交流有着深远意义。
Exoticism or the Translation of Cultural Difference
Negotiating a Tradition: The Interaction among Villagers in the Process of Reconstructing Popular Religion in Jieting Village
Nomads without Secretes
Facing:the Local and the Global, or Intimacy Across Divisions
Let the Allegory Fly: Beyond the Activity of Reference
Literacy on the Move
Wall-building and the Paradoxes of Globalization: Franz Kalka's "The Great Wall of China"
From Text to Hypertext: Preservation and Innovation of Online Literature
An Ignored Phase of the Court Literature of the Han Dynasty--The Magnolia Terrace (Lantai兰台) Group and Their Literary Activities
From Goethe to Mark: from "National Literature" to"World Literature"
The Wheel of Fortune vs. the Mustard Seed: A Comparative Study of European and Chinese Painting
Grounding the Global:How Dutch Art and Literature Respond to Globalization
Towards Global Dialogism Transcending "Cultural Imperialism"and Its Critics
Europe as Facade
De-economization: A Marxist Critique on the Cultural Studies Exoticism or the Translation of Cultural Difference
Negotiating a Tradition: The Interaction among Villagers in the Process of Reconstructing Popular Religion in Jieting Village
Nomads without Secretes
Facing:the Local and the Global, or Intimacy Across Divisions
Let the Allegory Fly: Beyond the Activity of Reference
Literacy on the Move
Wall-building and the Paradoxes of Globalization: Franz Kalka's "The Great Wall of China"
From Text to Hypertext: Preservation and Innovation of Online Literature
An Ignored Phase of the Court Literature of the Han Dynasty--The Magnolia Terrace (Lantai兰台) Group and Their Literary Activities
From Goethe to Mark: from "National Literature" to"World Literature"
The Wheel of Fortune vs. the Mustard Seed: A Comparative Study of European and Chinese Painting
Grounding the Global:How Dutch Art and Literature Respond to Globalization
Towards Global Dialogism Transcending "Cultural Imperialism"and Its Critics
Europe as Facade
De-economization: A Marxist Critique on the Cultural Studies
Taking a Different Path: Han Yu's Idea of Returning to Antiquity (Fu Gu) Compared with that of Li Baiand Du Fu
Literature, Aesthetics and History: Odyssey of the Human Spirit
Illegitimate Love, or the Troubles of Intercuhurality
Ghostly Power and Cultural Specificity
Confucius and Plato on the Function of Music
"World Literature" or "Ethnic Literature"--The anthropological turn in Humanities
The Chinese Way of Psychoanalysis: Freud's Influence on. Literary Criticism in Contemporary China
Appendix-1 About the Authors
Appendix-2 Contribufors' Information( Listed in alphabet order of surnames)